
Friday, February 4, 2011


We just aren't used to this kind of weather  in the DFW metroplex!   First, 3 full days of icy roads.....THEN,  just when we thought it was over, here came the snow!   Here's some shots looking out back this morning (click on photo to see full size):

Look at that snow building up!


Now, doesn't this look refreshing?  haha!

Tomorrow we'll reach temps in the 40' this view is short-lived.   The sun is already out & some melt-age is underway.  :o)


Cassandra {Sleeping or Sewing} said...

You guys got way more snow then we did here in Austin TX, but it was a nice snow day. School and office closed. Yay three day weekend!!

Fort Worth Fabric Studio said...

I heard ya'll were getting snow, too! Ours started with the ice after we went to bed Monday night. The schools up here have been closed since Tuesday....and husband's office closed 3 days this week. :o)

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