
Thursday, December 11, 2014

12 Days of Giveaways {Day 4}

Welcome back to day four of our 12 Days of Giveaways! 

Earlier this year, I shared this super easy Ric Rac Receiving Blanket tutorial on the blog.  We had an amazing response to these fun blankets! 

Today we are giving away this already made receiving blanket and matching burp cloth! 
Click here see our selection of flannel fabric! 

To enter to win, answer the following question:

Do you like Egg Nog? If so, do you like it straight up or do you like to mix it with something else?

Please answer in the comment section below with your email address so we can contact you if you win!

Giveaway closes December 11, 2014 @ midnight.


Good luck!

PS: I absolutely loathe egg nog.  My family serves it mixed with Sprite.  I just really don't like it at all, no matter how you serve it!  My husband on the other hand, LOVES it (straight up, not mixed with anything)  and I have to keep the fridge stocked with it from Halloween-New Years! 


sylvie jourdan said...

I don't like it but I love your blanket.

Martina said...

I never tried it, so I have no idea! And the blanket is so lovely!

magistra said...

I do like eggnog! I can get just a bit and it completely fills me up. I love your blanket, it would be fun to give as á gift. Thank you! Magistra13 at yahoo dot com

annemarie said...

I do not like egg nog - I do not care for milky products. Happy holidays!

T Hays said...

Don't like the stuff. I'd fix a hot chocolate or a cappuccino and add Irish Creme to them. Yummy!

JoyceLM said...

I like my eggnog plain out of the carton. Thanks.

Deb said...

Ugh. No, don't like eggnog at all. But love your blanket!

Unknown said...

I do like eggnog but would prefer a small glass of Baileys Irish Cream instead! Love your blanket and the colors!

Marianne said...

No way, I do not like eggnog at all!

Havplenty said...

I like egg nog straight and I have had some great mixes also. Egg Nog is soo rich, I can only drink small amounts of it but I do like it.


brownj6610 said...

I love egg nog ice cream. If I were able to have alcohol, I'd prefer my egg nog with a touch of rum.

Jeanie said...

I love egg nog and I love that sweet blanket! Thanks so much!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I do like egg nog a bit, but needs a mix, lol
Lovely blanket

Ellee said...

When I was a kid I used to make eggnog, no alcohol of course. I loved it. Bought a carton of eggnog last year and it tasted just awful. I guess I better find that recipe. It was in a Betty Crocker cookbook for children. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

gpc said...

I used your tutorial to make a few of those blankets and absolutely love them! I love egg nog, but it has to be the "custard" variety, otherwise it's yucky. I don't know how anyone could NOT like it, it tastes like melted vanilla ice cream! I drink it straight. Yum. :)

Carol said...

I like eggnog. Never had it with liquor.

Unknown said...

I love eggnog. Almost more than christmas cookies. And for the past three christmas' I've been pregnant so this year I'm adding a little "spice" to my cup.
Merry Christmas.

Nancy L said...

I don't care for eggnog. The thought of those eggs just turns me off!!

Tracy said...

I do like it. And my favorite way is with Sprite and a little ice cream! Yum! Blanket is so pretty!

Elizabeth S. said...

I do not care for egg nog but my husband does.

Sarah said...

I have never actually TRIED eggnog before, so I don't know my stance on that question! :) It looks pretty good, hot and steaming in a mug, but who knows if the taste lives up to it.

Afton Warrick said...

Ewwww! Lemon-lime soda with an egg drink? That sounds like losing a bad bet.

Nannie B said...

I don't like egg nog but I do like boiled custard. I make the quick kind using instant vanilla pudding. Love the receiving blanket.

Needled Mom said...

I'm with you!!! I can't stand it any way.

Linda B said...

I don't think I have ever tried Egg Nog.....but if I have I would say I don't like it or I would be drinking it every Christmas

amy said...

Absolutely hate it. I don't make it and I don't serve it! Yuck.

Kay said...

We don't have eggnog in England and I have no idea what it is. The blanket is just lovely though. x

Gloria C said...

I can only get eggnog down if it has some good "spirits" added in!

Becca said...

Cute flannels! I don't loe eggnog, but I'm not a hater either. With that said…my husband loves it and the season is not complete without a drink of eggnog. Fortunately, he doesn't make me keep it stocked...

Tori said...

I like eggnog only if it has a healthy dose of brandy in it!!

Gill said...

I've never tried it!!

Anonymous said...

Love eggnog mixed with a little hard stuff. And adore your quilt!

Melanie Hudgens said...

It's not bad but really don't drink it. This was a good tutorial, thank you!

Kristin said...

I have many fond memories of egg nog from my childhood. I always like it when Mom would make it. That being said, I've not drank any in YEARS because I'm worried that it will be gross and I don't want to ruin those childhood memories...

Unknown said...

I love eggnog! I prefer the low fat kind or I mix the regular stuff with milk because it's too rich by itself. Talk about calorie overload! I love that blanket too! cherisetoweratgmaildotcom

Cal said...

I love eggnog! Straight up... it is dessert!

tktl said...

I've found homemade eggnog is actually almost good as well as easy to make.

t_ktl at

Anonymous said...

HELLO, I'm not fond of it!
Thanks for your giveaway!

GranChris said...

Not at this point in life but it is good in ice cream and cakes.

Unknown said...

Nope, I'm not a fan of it. Maybe if we put peppermint in it, I might change my mind.

Linda said...

Yes I am an egg nog lover but only at Christmas time. Thanks for the chance to win.

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said...

I never have liked Egg Nog. Smells good, tastes awful...just like coffee! Love your cute blanket.

Debbie said...

I like egg nog but don't like it mixed with anything. Love the blanket better though.

debbie said...

I don't like egg nog.

Dawn said...

I love Egg Nog, and so does everyone in my house. We are a family of five so it's expensive, so my mother in law uses a recipe with pudding and makes a big batch. Have a great day!
dawnm1993 at gmail dot com

pippirose said...

I do love it! Especially mixed with some Rum! Yum!! :o)

Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

No eggnog for me please!

Carrie P. said...

no, I do not like eggnog.

nicolesender said...

I love egg nog and a little extra something in it is always welcome!

Vicki H said...

No, I am not a fan of egg nog...not even with alcohol added.

OhioLori said...

Looove Eggnog here...just plain tho! lol

Susan said...

I love egg nog but it is too thick out of the carton so I usually thin it with a bit of milk. I've never made it from scratch! Love your quilt!

Anonymous said...

I do not like eggnog in any way shape or form.

Kelly Wilson said...

I love eggnog - sometimes with brandy. Thanks for the opportunity! Notwendy gmail

Anonymous said...

No. I do not like eggnog.


Barb said...

Yes to egg nog (in small doses) and yes to the cute blanket!

Kim F said...

I can handle about 2 sips then I'm over it!

Jennifer said...

I hate eggnog!

Elaine said...

I do like Eggnog! Costco has a really good one right now that is organic and seasoned just right! If only it could be zero calories! Love your blanket!
satterfieldfamily at sbcglobal dot net

Karrie said...

i HATE eggnogg! haha.

CeLynn said...

I am right there with you Lindsey,and my hubby is right there with yours! Beautiful quilt!

http://thankfullga447 said...

I love eggnog without booze, but it is so high in calories.

The Mayo Family said...

Egg-nog is so good....My children enjoy it straight up!
The blanket is so cute!

Unknown said...

Straight-up. Why add more calories to something that's already so good the way it is? Just my preference.
Thanks for the opportunity.

Lee said...

No egg nog for me ! But I do love your shop and your giveaways! thank you!

Jen said...

I like it plain or with ginger ale mixed in

barbara woods said...

Never liked it, thanks

Sarah said...

I can take it or leave it -- I like it enough to drink it if it's around, but I don't buy it on purpose. This year we were given some for Thanksgiving, and my daughter, who is a very picky eater, loved it! :)

Kathy E. said...

No, I do not like egg nog (said Sam I Am), not plain or mixed with anything!

Linda Nelson said...

Not a fan of eggnog, but always like a drink of cheer!


Cecilia said...

I haven't had eggnog since I was young. I think I liked it, but it has been so long since I've had any that I don't remember. :-) but, I love your blanket!

Kath said...

Love eggnog!! The whole family does, fact is, it is part of our Christmas tree trimming - can't decorate without eggnog. Straight up for the kiddos and mixed with a little White Christmas for the adults - only way to do it! Love the give-away. ktsquiltdreams gmail com

Unknown said...

I've never really liked egg nog but maybe if someone made a good one, I would try it! Thanks for the giveaway!

Texas Quilting Gal said...

I don't like eggnog at all!

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

No eggnog is GROSS!!!

SonjaM said...

I love egg nog straight up in small amounts.

Chiska said...

I love eggnog straight. Although my Mom makes a homemade version that's not terribly thick and that's my favorite.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Straight up egg nog for me!