
Sunday, December 14, 2014

12 Days of Giveaways {Day 7}

Welcome back! It's day 7 of our 12 Days of Giveaways!

Today we are giving away this amazing book by Sheri McConnell called:

We are also offering this book 40% off right now!  This is a good time to snatch it up at this great price!  Click HERE to purchase!

To enter to win the book answer the following question:

Do you enjoy wrapping presents?

Answer the question in the comment section below! Please include email address, if you are a no-reply blogger or an anonymous commenter! 

Giveaway ends December 14th @ midnight!


Good Luck!

PS: I hate wrapping.  There is no sugar-coating this! I really don't enjoy it at all.  I make my husband wrap most the presents.  I can't watch when he wraps presents because he is a perfectionist and it takes him about 20 minutes per present! (I think it's the engineer in him) I prefer, to just use gift bags.  SO much easier! 


GranChris said...

Yes I love to wrap them. I get pretty creative with the wrapping paper and bows.

Unknown said...

No, not really…

sylvie jourdan said...

I hate it and when I can I use gift bags.

Kay said...

I loathe it. I happily pop them into a gift bag instead with pots of tissue paper. x

Lee said...

I love wrapping gifts!! the more detailed the better for me! thanks!

usagypsy said...

No! I hate it. And I'm not good at it.

Unknown said...

Wrapping the presents is my favorite part of Christmas. Love to make each gift special.

JKW said...

Love seeing presents carefully wrapped and resting under a tree. Getting them there ... Mixed feelings...

Anonymous said...

I do enjoy wrapping gifts. I try to make each one as pretty as possible. Thanks!

Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

Marianne said...

I love wrapping presents! I even worked in gift wrapping one Christmas in a large department store when much younger!

magistra said...

Well, I enjoy beautiful gift wrap and bows and, if I have enough time, I do enjoy gift wrapping. But when it comes down to the last minute. And I have a million things to do, then I'm all about throwing the presents into some gift bags and calling it a day! Magistra13 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I prefer gift bags with lots of fun tissue paper and curly ribbon over wrestling with a roll of paper and the tape!

annemarie said...

I do not enjoy gift wrapping - I figure it will be opened and the wrappings discarded anyway!

Kate said...

I LOVE wrapping gifts and trying to be creative with the wrapping. :)

Tracy said...

I do as long as I don't have a ton to wrap ;)

Stitchin At Home said...

I do if I have the time and don't have a ton to wrap.

Amy said...

I enjoy wrapping gifts any other time of year. The volume of gifts during the Christmas season makes me resort to bags.

JoyceLM said...

I'm okay with doing very simple gift wrapping - just paper & a bow. I much prefer using gift bags. Thanks.

Ramona said...

I really do not enjoy wrapping presents. I always procrastinate and then I have a ton to do at once and not enough room where no one can peek that i just get frustrated.

Nancy L said...

I enjoy wrapping presents if I have the right paper and ribbons. Othewise, I too just use a gift bag.

Hitch and Thread said...

I love to wrap. Preferably without my two small helpers...

Ellee said...

I'm okay with gift wrapping. I keep it simple since it's going to be discarded anyway. When the gift is for a quilter, I wrap it in fabric so it's kind of like a bonus for the recipient. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

Oh, I do love wrapping presents! Well, as long as I have plenty of time and I have all my fun papers and ribbons and tags surrounding me on the floor... that's what makes wrapping presents go smoothly! It can be such a fun way to show some of my crafty creativity, ha!

Margaret said...

I love wrapping Christmas presents. But boy does it take a long time. It reminds me of meal prep. You spend a long time planning and preparing a meal, and it's over with in 20 minutes. But I do enjoy wrapping gifts.

Cecilia said...

Not really, I'd rather use gift bags.

Martina said...

I love it very much. But I love the simple look with a little touch of creativity. So plain brown paper with a white paperstar and a sweet Ribbon and I am done,lol!

Emily C said...

I love wrapping presents. I can make them look professional.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind wrapping, but not in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve/ Christmas! I also have an engineer hubby and lets just say we wrap in different areas and we try not to comment on each other's work! Thanks for the chance to win- picked up this book from the library and loved it, would be awesome to win my own cop! Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com

Jen said...

I don't mind it and my husband is awful at it so it is my job ;)

Janie said...

I do enjoy wrapping presents. I love the bows, along with the ribbons draping, and curling. Love the giveaways. Thank you.

amy said...

I used to like wrapping gifts but now I find it's easier to use gift bags for as many things as I can!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Elizabeth S. said...

Not so much. I am not that good at it.

Lisa England said...

Wrapping gifts is okay. I usually don't get fancy though -- just get some pretty paper on them -- since many of our gifts get packed into shopping bags to haul to family gatherings. On the occasions when I want to "go all out" I use pretty fabric ribbon.

Gill said...

I love wrapping presents!

cjmont said...

i am a gift bagger from way back.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I do enjoy wrapping as a rule.....but those odd shaped gifts???? No!! Lol. that's where the bag comes in.

Joyce Carter said...

I love wrapping presents. And I love getting creative with the ribbons and bows. Thank you for the giveaway.

Marti Taylor said...

In college I worked part time at a high end boutique and they offered free gift wrapping. My manager led a workshop to teach us how to wrap properly, the paper we used had to be pattern matched and there was a correct way to tie the ribbon. I am a speed wrapper and can wrap almost any shape package without cutting too much or too little paper from the roll so I do enjoy it!

Patty S said...

I like to wrap presents when I have plenty of time, but I usually procrastinate and then it's more of a chore!

Gloria C said...

NO! 'Nough said!

gpc said...

I do not enjoy wrapping and I'm not good at it. :-/

Melanie said...

Not a wrapper or a rapper!

tktl said...


t_ktl at

Shauna said...

If is do them in advance I don't mind, but I hate under the pressure wrapping

Unknown said...

I'm with you- I do NOT like wrapping, mostly because I'm really bad at it. I try but it never comes out good! cherisetoweratgmaildotcom

Debbie said...

I do like wrapping gifts. As I'm wrapping a gift, I try to think about how the person it is for will react when they open it and it makes it fun.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I used to get really elaborate with my gift wrapping and I really enjoyed it. Now it seems the recipient is lucky if their package gets a coordinating bow. I just don't have the time I used to. Thanks for the chance.

Jeanie said...

I enjoy wrapping the first few gifts....then my back hurts and I want to just get it done! Gift bags are life savers. Thanks for the giveaway!

Linda B said...

Oh wrapping presents....

Jan A. said...

Yes, I really do love to wrap gifts! I love seeing the expressions of delight on recipients' faces.

Anonymous said...

HELLO, yes, I do very much! I'm thinking of the one whom I'm wrapping my gift for and it makes me happy! Thanks for your Blog+great giveaway too!

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said...

I hate wrapping them and even using gift boxes and bags is a chore. I'm not into coordinating ribbon and tags. Making the gift from pretty fabric is all the fun I want.

GO STARS! said...

Wrapping presents is ok if my husband helps. Otherwise, by myself it makes me rather crabby.

Carrie P. said...

I do like wrapping gifts especially when I see new paper each year for Christmas!

Kath said...

I used to love to wrap and dress up presents but there just isn't enough time to get it all done anymore. Gift bags are now my best friends. ktsquiltdreams gmail com

sarah said...

I only enjoy wrapping them if I don't wait until the night before!
sarah at people_rising (at) hotmail (dot) (com)

Dawn said...

No I don't, I actually loathe it. I am not good at it know matter how hard I try. The only time I like it is when wer'e playing a joke on someone and using a whole roll of tape (our family loves to joke). Have a great day!

Teresa S. said...

I really enjoy wrapping presents, especially if I'm not in a rush. I'm not a real fancy wrapper, just normal paper and the curling kind of ribbon. I always think of my mom when I use curling ribbon. She loved Christmas and always made pretty bows with the simple ribbon. It brings me joy to think of her and listen to Christmas music while I wrap!

Mara said...

I love wrapping presents, but it is also fun to use bags and then use a whole bunch of fluffy stuff to try to hide the gift inside. grecomara at gmail dot com

Veronika said...

I do, but only when the presents are from me- I don't like wrapping other peoples presents!!

debbie said...

I like to wrap presents and see the kids faces as they unwrap them.

ET Pruitt said...

I enjoy wrapping presents and making my own bows when I have the time.

Sally said...

I like to wrap if I'm not feeling rushed. If last minute, gift bags are the way to go.

Vicki H said...

I enjoy wrapping presents. I am surprised at how long it takes me...maybe I watch more tv than wrapping.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy wrapping presents if I'm not rushed. Too often I leave everything until too late and then end up wrapping in panic mode


Tiffany said...

I can sit and wrap one or two (box shaped) presents before I've had enough. I'm just not that good at it. Fabric can be ironed when it gets wrinkly and just seems to make more sense to my brain. ;)

Jane S. said...

I don't mind doing it, but my daughter really loves wrapping presents so I let her do most of it. :)

Unknown said...

I love to wrap gifts for the first 20 minutes, then...I hate it and have to make deals with myself to finish.

Tu-Na Quilts said...

I love wrapping presents. I even worked as a gift wrapper for one season during my college days. But lately I leave wrapping until the last minute and then don't have time to enjoy it and end up using a bag or just wrapping it up quickly and not fussing with ribbons and bows that squish during transport anyway.

Pixie Cat said...

I liked wrapping presents when I was a kid, but as an adult I much prefer gift bags. Pretty backwards. I enjoy unwrapping presents though :-)

Susan said...

No, I do not like wrapping gifts! A couple of years ago, I came up with the idea to made fabric bags and tie with ribbon. I LOVE then and reuse them each year. Just need to make more.

Rina Mason said...

I love wrapping gifts. I think I would be perfectly happy to work a gift wrap station at the mall.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

I enjoy wrapping presents as long as they can be plopped into a gift bag--my days of wrangling rolls of paper are over!

Diane Beavers said...

Lindsey I'm with you, bag, tissue paper, drop in the gift, wah-lah!
20 seconds flat!
Thanks for the giveaway of Fresh Family traditions book. Now that I'm a mother of grown kids and daughter-in law, I'm in design and planning phase for an heirloom quilt a piece. This pattern book sounds like a great asset for my project ideas!

Unknown said...

Lindsay, I am just like you, and our husbands must related. Thank goodness for them.

Cindy said...

I used to LOVE wrapping gifts. I made fancy bows, bought great paper, had presents under the tree early, the whole ball of wax. I still love buying wonderful wrapping paper, but now the presents are lucky to get wrapped on Christmas Eve, right before we open them. Bows? What are those? Can I get my husband to wrap this year? He said YES! At the last possible moment. LOL cdahlgren at live dot com

juliehallfeldhaus said...

Not so much!!! Now I put gifts in baskets, pillowcases or wooden boxes!!!!

OhioLori said...

Oh my gosh!! Your Husband is exactly like Mine!! (Mine is an Engineer as well! lol) Sets me nuts to wrap with him! I would rather do myself, less time taken! Tho is NOT my fave thing to do either. Gift Bags are GRRRRREAT!!!! giggle

Kathy E. said...

You and I should meet and discuss our engineer husbands! Mine is just he same way. Every corner, every seam must be perfect and amply taped. Not shiny tape either. It must be invisible tape! And then there's the bows...every gift deserves a bow! I am more likely to stuff each gift into a gift bag and toss it under the tree and be done with it.

tpott said...

I loved it more when my 15 yr old son was younger. I still enjoy it but, now the gifts are much more expensive and there are less of them. This year I'm wrapping gifts for my mother to give. Everything looks so festive under the tree with all the fancy wrapping and curly ribbon.

Camille Mendel said...

I don't like wrapping presents.

Unknown said...

Most of the time I really enjoy wrapping gifts unless I'm in a time crunch. I love seeing all the pretty wrapping and bows when I'm done! Thanks

Carmen N said...

I'm like you - I hate wrapping. I think it's because I'm a perfectionist at heart but I don't have the patience to make them perfectly neat. Hubby does them in no time flat

Renee G said...

Yes, I love to wrap presents, if I have enough time. If not, my husband is great about wrapping for me.

Miggsie said...

I enjoy wrapping presents, except when it's done at the last minute.

Susan said...

yes I enjoy wrapping gifts - it builds up the anticipation even more.