
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fabric Frenzy Friday Features

Hi there! I hope you all are having a good week!  We had a lot of great projects shared last Friday! Here are this week's features:

First up is this amazing Sky Bound quilt by Yanicka! Isn't this quilt so fun?  Everything about this quilt is so lovely - the quilting really just adds to the overall apperance of the quilt and adds great movement! Lovely job Yanicka!
 Next up is this gorgeous quilt Deana shared! This quilt was a group effort, and I think it is seriously amazing! I just love the color combination--the colors flow so well with each other! Thanks Deana for sharing! :)
Have you ever wondered how people get their appliqued vines so perfect?  Sharon is sharing this awesome technique on her blog.  So be sure to stop by and check out her great tutorial! Thank you Sharon for stopping by and linking up!

 Be sure to stop by the linky party and see all the great projects shared this week! :)

If you were featured this week - go HERE to get an "I was featured!" button! :)

Talk to you soon,


Yanicka said...

oh wow thank you. Blush

dq said...

Thank you for the feature, Lindsey. I still hope to work with you guys again in the future. I must get my life settled down a bit though before I can begin designing. Hopefully in 2016.

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