
Monday, February 29, 2016

Fabric Frenzy Friday Features

Hi there! I hope you all had a good weekend! We had a ton of great projects shared on Friday! Here are this week's features:

This Micro Mini Mini Quilt by Twiggy and Opal just blows my mind.  The patience required to bind something this small is just insane! :) I enjoyed reading all about her experience making this tiny mini quit! 


 Jen from Faith and Fabric shared these darling Quilted Lanyards! How fun are these?! Be sure to stop by for the tutorial!
 Quilted Blooms shared this lovely Friendship Star Wreath Mini Quilt! Love the simplicity of this quilt and the simple straight-line quilting really compliments the overall design!

Be sure to stop by the link party and check out all the great projects shared on Friday!

If you were featured this week - go HERE to get an "I was featured!" button! :)

Talk to you soon,


Jen @ Faith and Fabric said...

Thank you so much for featuring my lanyards! This was *such* a wonderful surprise!!

Paige said...

Lindsey, what an honor! Thank you for featuring my Friendship Star Wreath!

Jayne said...

Thank you so much Lindsey! What a sweet surprise!

Jayne said...

Thank you so much Lindsey! What a sweet surprise!

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