
Monday, March 28, 2016

Fabric Frenzy Friday Features

Hi there! I hope you all enjoyed your Easter weekend! We had a lot of great projects shared on Friday! Here are this week's features:

Kittens and Threads shared this super fun zip pouch! I love zip pouches, and this one is just so bright and cheery! I love how it turned out! 
Kittens and Threads 

Yellow Cat Quilt Designs shared this stunning quilt that she just had published! This is such a lovely design! Congrats on having your quilt published! 

Yellow Cat Quilt Designs

Quilted Blooms shared her Michael Miller fabric challenge quilt! I love how it turned out - I especial love that the binding changes colors where the geese change colors! How awesome is that!
Quilted Blooms

 Be sure to stop by the link party and check out all the great projects shared on Friday!

If you were featured this week - go HERE to get an "I was featured!" button! :)

Talk to you soon,


Paige said...

Lindsey, thank you so much for featuring my quilt! And thank you for the link party! I look forward to seeing your bundles!

Sharon said...

You are a sweetheart! Thanks for the feature and next time I visit Dallas I plan to come visit fwfs!

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