
Thursday, January 6, 2011

What's Up, Moda?!

Had a wonderful time today with my fabulous Moda Fabrics rep, Jane!    I am in love with all the January releases....but these are my favorites, and they'll be coming to Fort Worth Fabric Studio from May 2011 through July 2011.   Here's a sneak peek!  Click on the picture below to enlarge it to full-size so you can see all of the snippets I put on there.  :o)   It's a feast for the eyes.

PS.  Yes, it is time for we retail stores to buy our 2011 Christmas fabrics!   Seems kinda crazy, huh?


Renae said...

Do I see Christmas sock monkeys? LOVE sock monkeys!!!!

CJ said...

What a tease!! I wanna see more more more! :D

Anonymous said...

i <3 those sock monkeys!!! and the reindeer!

Fort Worth Fabric Studio said...

Yes, they are CHRISTMAS sock monkeys and as CUUUUTE as can be! All the new lines are great, and yes, there will be more to see soon...just had to give a little tease. :o) I'll be putting some on the website for pre-orders once I have photos of everything. :o)

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