
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

REALLY? Yes, I did!

Yup, I really did order these fabrics!   They are just crazy enough to be alot of fun ~ especially if you take a close look at them.    There's "Quick & Easy Knitting Projects" that have taken a terribly long time (obviously too long).....and skulls with crossbones made from scissors and knitting needles!    KNITTY GRITTY and URBAN GRIT will be here in a few weeks!   With fabrics called "Knitmare on Elm Street,"  "Quilt Pirates,"  "Knit Pirates,"  and "Crosswise,"  I think someone at Michael Miller had a great time naming these pieces!

You can pre-order if you'd like, or wait to see what's left when these fabrics arrive!  Michael Miller's KNITTY GRITTY is RIGHT HERE!


Cassandra {Sleeping or Sewing} said...

I've wondered about goth fabric. I'm surprised I haven't seen more of it, out in the web world, aside from the occasional skull. The gray roses look nice.

Coloradolady said...

I can not wait to get this!!!!! :)

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