
Monday, April 18, 2011

Cherry Fizz by Henry Glass and Winners Announced

Cherry Fizz by Henry Glass is one of the brand new lines of fabrics added to our shop. This is an amazing collection with a vintage flare. These prints are perfect for many sewing projects. I can just imagine cute aprons, accents to dishcloths, table runners.....the possibilities are endless. This line is so fun and fresh....makes me think of stopping off at my local Sonic for a cherry fizz slush, How about you??

Barbara Jones of QuiltSoup brings us the lovely CHERRY FIZZ line! What a great fun, fresh collection for summer sewing.

Speaking of sewing, it is time to announce the winner of our April Giveaway. A big thank you to each of you who stopped off and entered. We hope you had a fun time looking around in our shop and seeing what is coming soon. We certainly appreciate each and every one of you and the sweet comments you left here for us to read.

We used Random Number Generator to determine the winners.

The lucky winner of the "Delilah" collection by Tanya Whalen for Free Spirit is number 83. Congratulations to Dolly.
Dolly said...
Scream..... oh my gosh I love the cherry fizz line! It makes this cherry girl smile huge smiles!!!!! I love it! Please Count me in on your wonderful give away! Hugs, Dolly

Our second winner is the recipient of the cute Suzi Purse and More pattern by Lazy girl designs is number 57 . Congratulations to Amanda .
Amanda said...
i LOVE timeless treasures CUPCAKES fabrics, just so delicious looking
Please contact us via email to claim your gifts. We will have them in the mail to you right away!

Once again, thank you for entering our giveaway. We certainly have several more planned for the future, so be sure and check back often.

Have a great week everyone, enjoy the super spring weather so many of us are experiencing right now.


Coloradolady said...

Congratulations to Dolly and Amanda! What great prized you two won!!!

Amanda said...

YAY!!!! I won thank you for having great giveaways and loving all your followers!!

Cherry Chick said...

Yes! Total envy of Dolly winning but how fabulous for her. You, too, Amanda.
I'm loving that Cherry Fizz line. Sonic sounds good right about now, too!

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