
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

QUILT FEATURE ~ Stablemates!

STABLEMATES is one of the best equestrian lines I've seen!   We could barely keep this line in stock ~ and finally ordered all that we could find when we were told by Spectrix the line was discontinued.

These fabrics make a lovely quilt ~ as you can SEE!   Take a peek at what Nell G. created:

She made this S.P.E.C.T.A.C.U.L.A.R. quilt for a 10 year old girl who looooves horses!   I can only imagine how absolutely THRILLED this sweet girl must be! 

Here is something really special about the quilt....take a closer look at the quilting, it is stitched in the shape of horseshoes:

Clever, very very clever....I LOVE it!

We still have some of this amazing line in stock, you can check out STABLEMATES by SPECTRIX HERE!

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