Sunday, March 23, 2014

$25 Gift Certificate Giveaway!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! Before we get to the giveaway, I wanted to thank you for all the linky-love on Friday!  You guys linked up some fabulous projects! :) I am looking forward to seeing what you are working on this week! 

I worked on lot's of Spring crafts this weekend--using this fabulous bundle here:

Easter Candy

Easter Candy Bundle -- Purchase here.

I can't wait to show you all the fun things I created--so check back tomorrow!

Alright! Let's get to this week's giveaway!

We are giving away a $25 gift certificate to the shop!! Wahoooo!
To enter, answer the following question:

If you had to choose a favorite between these two patterns which would it be? 

Chevron or Dots?

Leave your answer in the comment section below.  Please leave your email address if you are an anonymous commenter or are a no-reply blogger. :) 

 This giveaway is open to international readers. Winner will be chosen at random.  


Good luck and I'll talk to you soon,

Linking up to:

PS: I would choose dots!! I love the chevron craze, but I seriously can't get enough dot fabrics in my stash! :) 


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Renee said...

My answer is based solely on what I have the most of in my stash: dots.

Katy said...

It wouldn't matter what the choices were, my answer would ALWAYS be DOTS!

barbara woods said...

I love dots, thanks

Lynda said...

definitely dots - matter of fact, I am currently binding my latest finish with a dot

ShirleyC said...

I do LOVE dots! However, if I had to choose, I think I would choose chevrons because I can use some of them for boy things also.

Mom2RyandSis said...

Dots :) Thanks for the chance to win!!

gpc said...

Definitely dots! I just used some this weekend to line a zipper pouch. :)

laura said...

I really like chevron lately

Jo C. said...

I'm all about the dots!

Lesley said...

Dots! Thanks for the giveaway!!

bets said...

I like both, but dots are my favorite to use in quilts! Nice giveaway...thanks!

Emily Breclaw said...

Yep, I would have to say dots too-- they just blend better in a whole quilt-- and they're my favorite of all fabrics for binding!! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway, and can't wait to see the Easter projects!!

Lee Ann L. said...

Dots. :-)

Texas Quilting Gal said...

I love chevron but dots are so timeless!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I would choose them both, but I have always loved polka dots. Thank you for this chance.

Jeanne Gwin said...

Dots for me, any size, any color, I love the dots. They make me happy!

Debbie said...

I choose chevrons.

Unknown said...

I would choose dots. They never go out of style!

Michelle said...

I would pick dots! Cool giveaway!

Rita McCart said...

polka dots, almost every quilt I make has them. Thank you for the chance to win.

Carol said...

I'd choose dots - but I certainly don't dislike chevrons.

Lisa England said...

Dots! I can seldom resist a good polka dot fabric.

Unknown said...

Dots, dots and more dots!!! I like chevron but I love dots!!! I need to win, I've started my order.

Back Porch Extras said...

I would go with Dots!

Michelle said...

Chevron please. Thank you.

Julie said...

Dots! I know chevron is (or maybe even was) trendy but dots seem timeless.

Rina Mason said...

Always dots! I've been in love with them as long as I can remember.

Vicki H said...

I like dots, dots and more dots.

GranChris said...

Hard choice I love them both but I would say dots. I have always been addicted to dots.

Lucy Daniel said...

Like chevrons, but dots are my favorite!!!

Charmaine McLaughlin said...

My pattern company is called Pom Poms and Polkadots so of course I would have to go with dots!!! Have a great week!!

Michele T said...

I love dots!!!!

JoyceLM said...

Dots - for sure. I love polka dot fabrics. Thanks.

Hayley said...

For me it's a no brainer: dots, dots, dots!

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

Love, love, love polka dots!

Emily C said...

I love dots, such a great blender.

Anonymous said...

Definitely dots!

Joan H. said...

I like chevrons but I LOVE dots...all sizes and all colors.

Trepmom said...

Dots... I can't get enough of them!

pippirose said...

I'm absolutely dotty about polka dots!

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

Dots, dots and more dots (can one ever have enough of them???) Thanks for the sweet giveaway :)

Shar said...

I just did two block with chevrons. I have never used them before. I have fallen in love with them. Chevrons are so fun to work with.

Amanda said...

Definitely dots!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Pamela said...

I like them both, but dots are more versatile. One can have bold dots or subtle dots or uniform dots or random dots. Chevrons always seem bold and uniform. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

Melanie said...

I. would struggle with chevrons and directional cutting so my vote would be Dots!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I would choose dots. More versatile and not usually a directional print. Thanks for the chance!

Kathy said...

Dots, dots and more dots. Just love dots, put some in all my quilts somewhere.

Jo said...

I have very little of both in my stash, but probably dots!

Unknown said...

I would choose the chevron.

nicolesender said...

I'd pick dots!! My grandson loves dots!

Cindy said...

Dots as long as they are in bright, happy colors. Especially like these, love them/

Anita said...

Dots in bright colors.

Laurel said...

I have always loved dots. I have sweaters, skirts, jackets, and pants covered with dots. I love to use a mini dot on white or neutral fabric for backgrounds in quilts.

Teacosy said...

Dots of course, viele Punkte.
Gruß Sylvia

Suze said...

Dots - I'm working on a stash of dots to hopefully make a quilt from all dots.

Ellee said...

Dots for sure! They're timeless. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

Karen M said...

Absolutely dots. They have been around forever and they will certainly continue to be. I think chevrons are a fad.

Katie said...

Can never get enough chevrons!

Stitchin At Home said...

Dots, dots and more dots.

ozone3 said...

Definitely Dots!!!!

Thanks for the chance to win!!

charlotte said...

Dots! They are way more versatile than chevrons and I do love chevrons. But I buy lots of dots.

Ruth said...

I would have to say dots!

Chiska said...


Leslie said...

Chevrons, but I love dots too!

nettie said...

I have to say I'm a fan of both.......;o)

Missenota aka Kristin S. said...

Dots. They're timeless and they make me smile.

*Tyler* said...

Dots hands down. Chevrons really don't make my quilt mojo get going.

Jeanie said...

Tough choice but I would pick dots because they are more versatile. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Tiffany said...

Chevrons. I know they are just a fad that will probably fade, and I wasn't a fan of them at first, but they have really grown on me and now I LOVE than!

Nancy L said...

My choice would have to be chevron. I love this look.

sherry said...

dots, dots, dots...not big on chevrons

Tiffany said...

I love dots - chevrons are pretty also, but dots are a go to favorite!

Jacklynn Grimm said...

Dots, for sure! Thanks for the give away!

ruth50 said...

Gotta be dots - they go with everything.
rmk815 at gmail dot com

Gill said...


Afquilt said...

would like to try some dots!

karamino said...

Dots :) Thanks for the chance!

cjmont said...

dots, dots, dots.

Miggsie said...

I'd pick dots. Thanks!

Dita Bybee said...

Dots! I tend to prefer patterns that have no directions! I find it easier :)

Tracy said...

I don't want to choose! But if you make me....dots.

Faye Marie said...

OH Man... I love both but if you are twisting my arm I would have to pick dots. Thanks!

E Simmons said...

Can it be a tie?? Seriously, I love them both!! But I will pick chevron!!

parkerkwilkinson said...

Dots! (I'm not all that crazy about chevron print fabric.)

Gwen Wehner said...

Gotta be dots!

Kim said...

I love dots. They go with everything.

Vicki in MN said...

As much as I LOVE chevrons I would choose Dots as they are much more versatile I think.

Anonymous said...

HI, it's DOTS!

Karen said...

Definitely Dots! Delicious Dots!

Jo said...

Dots for me!

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Dots :) I love dots!!!!

Kathleen said...

dots . . . no, chevrons . . . no dots . . . chevrons? . . . Okay, dots . . . i think . . . ;)

Anonymous said...

Dots, in all sizes and colors, please!
Susan in MD

Anonymous said...

Dots dots dots - I can't get enough of different sizes, colors! thanks for the chance to win. VermontPines at aol dot com

Sheila said...

Polka Dots for me please.

Kimberley said...

dots, Dots, DOTS!!!! =)

Abbe Coury said...

I love dots! :)

Ella and Nesta said...

Polka dots forever!

MJ said...

My choice -- DOTS! You can't go wrong with dots!

Christine S said...

I have to say dots as well :)

diane said...

It's a hard decision! I love chevrons, but I'd have to go with a classic--dots!

Anonymous said...

Definitely dots!

Sandy D said...

I would pick dots. They add to a quilt.

Susan said...

Dots!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jennifer said...

Oh, that's any easy one--dots!

Anonymous said...

Dots, dots, and more dots! Thanks for a great giveaway!

DebraKay Neiman said...

I would choose dots, they are much more low volume and easier to fit in. If you want to MAKE A STATEMENT then chevrons would definitely work. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

Margaret said...

Dots, of course. I love dots. I think I have more than half my stash is dots.

Lea said...

Dots, definitely dots.

Cindy P. said...

Dots, and more dots! Thanks!

OhioLori said...

I am a DOTS lover...definitely Dots for me... :)

Mary Ann said...

Dots for sure!! I love dots!!!

Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

Definitely a dots person! :)

Cheri the Quilting Nanny said...

I would choose much I can think to do with dots!

KathleenD said...

I have to say, Dots would be my choice!

Patty said...

I would go for dots. They are so much fun to add to a quilt or another project.
paweis at yahoo dot com

Kathy said...

I do dots...lots and lots of dots! Love 'em!

Margaret said...

I love dots. So easy to use them in a quilt

Unknown said...

I love both but dots would be my choice.

CandyR said...

Dots, dots, dots. I love dots!

Angelia Lanouette said...

Definitely dots!

Jane S. said...

Now I do like a nice large dot but it's the chevrons that I can't resist! I love those things! :)

Béa said...

I would choose dots ! thanks

Linda Nelson said...

I would definitely choose dots. I'm kind of intimidated by chevron!


Brenda said...

Dots, dots and more dots!
hulseybg at gmail dot com

Wendy said...

Definitely dots, they're so much more versatile

Val's Quilting Studio said...

Chevrons: I LOVE dots too...but find the chevrons to be fun and challenging....Thanks for the chance to win!

auschick said...

Dots! Much easier when having to align seams!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

That is a tough one to answer.....I really like both but like you I'm going with dots! Thanks for sharing.
Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

Unknown said...

Dots are classic & fun! Thanks for the opportuity!

PaintedThread said...

Chevrons. I feel like the minority!

Sherry VF said...

I too would choose dots. Chevrons just aren't quite as versatile as dots. Thanks for the giveaway. svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

Rachel said...

Dots all the way! I love polka dots. Thanks for the chance to win!

Nancy said...

Dots. As many people have remarked, they are much more versatile. With chevrons if the edge is not square you are going to notice that it is crooked!

brownj6610 said...

Dots, dots, dots. My infant granddaughter always points to dots when she sees them.

Patty said...

Dots!! especially pastel fabrics and white dots.

Peggy said...

I would choose dots!

Sarah said...

I like dots and my daughter likes chevrons! Thanks!

Elise Lea said...

Wow I love both, but I think I prefer dots more. The chevron has to be the right chevron but dots are much easier to work with! Thanks for the opportunity to win I look forward to seeing what you have made!

Teresa said...

I really love Chevrons - and it makes a nice backing or quick quilt top. Thank you for the giveaway. tgreen at asis dot com

Anonymous said...

I love both! But dots out be the choice! Would love to make a new and fun quilt!
Thanks, Sharla

Unknown said...

Definitely dots! Thanks for the giveaway!

Missy Shay said...

I would go with dots, because you don't have to worry about direction with dots, although I still love chevron too!

Siobhán said...

Definitely dots!

Anonymous said...

Dots, lotsa, lotsa dots!!

Dee D said...

Dots, of course. They are more forgiving when piecing.

J said...

Definitely Dots!

Unknown said...

Chevron fan here!!!

Anonymous said...

dots :)

Maree in NC ☺ said...

Definitely dots, all the way! ☺

Cattlilly said...


✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

It's a toss up really, but I'd go with dots because they are classic.

Nancy B said...

I would choose dots!

Sallie said...


Needled Mom said...

I would definitely choose dots.

Unknown said...

absolutely dots. they make beautiful patterns

Lisa said...

Dots, I'm so OVER Chevron!

Unknown said...

I'd have to say dots. They go with everything but I don't dislike chevrons. Thanks!

Janet @ Simply Pieced said...

I would choose dots...they are timeless!



Amy said...

Dots, dots, dots. Always have to have dots.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I like both but dots win! Linda.

DeborahGun said...

Dots all the way!

Jenifer said...

Oh so hard. It is like picking a child. Okay dots!! I am so sorry chevron.

Lee said...

I am a long time loving dots girl. Like the chevrons but to me they have not replaced dots! thanks!!

Julie said...

I would have to say chevron. Thanks

heather said...

hi! thanks for doing this... um, i think maybe the chevron, but i would depend on the size, etc.
have a great weekend! :)

Audie-n-TX said...

I would have to say that my favorite pattern between the two is the DOT PATTERN.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

Got to love DOTS!

Anonymous said...

It would have to be the dots!

Unknown said...

Dots are timeless.

Betty Woodlee said...

I would choose dots. I just love them.

Maureen said...

I choose chevrons.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Dots--love them!!!

Donna C said...

I love both, dots and chevrons. If I had to choose only one, it would be chevrons.

Mary W Quilts said...

I love dots!

Anonymous said...

I love dots.

Kathy said...

dots - gotta love em

Nettie said...

Dots,dots and more dots! I have seen way too many chevrons this past year and dots never get boring to me.

Anonymous said...

That would be chevron

Anonymous said... chevron s

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

It's dots for me - the more the better.

Tamie said...

Dots for me...

Anonymous said...

Dots forever! --Sandra wiese

Unknown said...

Dots!!!! Not to crazy about the chevrons......

Barbara said...


Carol said...

I love both, but I could do more with dots.

Fort Worth Fabric Studio said...

Posting for Candace A. : I choose dots!

Anonymous said...

Definitely dots!! Thank you for the chance to win.


Mara said...

that's a tough one, but I will have to say dots.

Anonymous said...

I don't have any dots in my "stash". So it would be nice to add these.

Anonymous said...

Oops! Forgot to add my email address:

Anonymous said...

I just love dots!!!

Elaine said...

I must go with dots! They make me happy every time!
satterfieldfamily at sbcglobal dot net

carolann said...

Tough call, but dots!

Anonymous said...

Dots! Dots always make it a party!

Unknown said...

Intrepidtwins at gmail

legato1958 said...

Dots for sure!

Sarah said...

Dots. They are classic. I'm sick of chevrons.

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