
Monday, April 7, 2014

Quilt Storage Ideas

Hi there!  I have been drooling over quilt ladders for some time now, and I knew I had to have one so I would have somewhere to display my ever increasing stash of quilts! So, my dad went to work and built me one.  You can read more about that here.  :) 

Once it was done, I really fell in love. I decided there has to be other ways to display quilts that I can put in other rooms of my home.  So I decided to start a Pinterest board dedicated to just that! It's called Quilt Storage and you can find it here.  

I am only showing you nine here on the blog, but I have lots more that are pinned on our Pinterest Board.  So be sure to check that out for even more inspiration!

Below each picture is a link to it's source. 

Wire Basket              Wooden Crate            Quilt Storage Table

         Quilt Ladder DIY             Horizontal Ladder           Quilt ladder

I love all of these ideas, but I have to say my favorite besides my quilt ladder of course ;) would be the basket and crate ideas.  You could put this in any room of your house for quilt storage and it would be a lovely way to display some of your quilts.  I am going to be on the lookout this summer at yard sales to see if I can get my hands on a basket or crate similar to these. 

How you display your quilts?

Talk to you soon,


Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

I have a traditional quilt rack but I'd love to have a modern looking glass front cabinet someday! Something like this one:

Charmaine McLaughlin said...

Oh this is such a refreshing post to start my day!! I have been wanting to freshen up my sewing studio, now I've found my motivation! I'm ashamed to say a lot of my quilts are stashed away in a closet but they will soon be seeing the light of day. Thanks for the inspiration! p.s. I LOVE your Friday Bundles

Jasmine said...

Thanks for showing these. I would love a ladder, and my husband plans to make me one soon. :) I have quilts all over my house on sofas, on walls, on beds, on racks... Mostly pretty traditional.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

How neat! I'm going to be on the lookout for one too! Thanks for sharing.
Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

maria said...

I said to my husband that I wanted a ladder to display quilts on he looked at me as if I was mad! I'll have to refer him to your blog....

Live a Colorful Life said...

I really want a ladder too! We have an old broken down step ladder and I might try to rehab it. Also I bought a baby changing station--the top has turned wooden spindles. We painted it right and that's what I use. I really like it. I should put a picture on my blog.

I will check out some of these links. Thanks!

Lori said...

Ladders are always awesome. And I seriously love that banana crate! I do something similar to that with an old wringer washer stand and wash tub. We can never have enough cool storage ideas!

Shar said...

I have a baker's rake that we put the quilt on. Then I display some on the wall.

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