
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Giveaway: Touch of Spring Fat Quarter Bundle!

Hi there! I hope you all are enjoying your weekend! :)  
Before we get to this week's giveaway, I have a few things to tell you about! 

1. We just started a new series on the blog called "Oh Sew Baby!"  This series will run until the end of June and features a lot of great bloggers and new sewing related tutorials just for baby! So be sure to check back often and see what's new! You can go HERE to check out all the dates! 

2. Also related to the "Oh Sew Baby!" series: on May 27, I will open up a linky party for anyone that wants to link up any old or new baby related tutorial! (It doesn't have to be a quilt, it can be any baby related sewing tutorial) If you link something up, you will be entered to win a $50 gift certificate to the Fort Worth Fabric Studio Shop!! I will leave the linky open until the end of the series!  So be sure to come back and link up! 

Now, let's get to this week's giveaway!

Click here to purchase!
This is a 7 piece fat quarter bundle all in lovely hues of purples, reds, and oranges! :) 

To enter to win all you have to do is answer the following question:

What is your favorite season and why?

Leave your answer in the comment section below! Be sure to leave your email address if you are a no-reply blogger or anonymous commenter! 


Good luck, and I will talk to you soon!

My favorite season is Spring!  The temperature is just right and everything is so green and colorful! :)   However, Fall comes in at a close second! But our "Fall" around here is very short lived!! 


DebraKay Neiman said...

M favorite season is fall. I love the crisp air, the colors and being in the woods at that time. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

gpc said...

I am a weather wimp. Like Goldilocks was with porridge. I don't like it too hot, I don't like it too cold, I'm only satisfied when it's just right! So the season doesn't matter to me nearly as much as the temperature -- generally mid spring and late summer are my favorite times. Green grass and trees, blue skies, but the kind of weather where you don't need a jacket. :)

Anonymous said...

I like the fall of the year. love your fabrics.

BlessOSU said...

I love Fall - the cooler weather, beautiful colors -- and college football! LOL

Trisch said...

Fall used to be my favorite season, but I think this year Spring has taken over the lead. I love the springtime showers and how green everything is. I also love watching the flowers poke out of the ground promising a colorful show in the future!!! Thanks for a great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I love fall! The weather is cool, the leaves are changing, and winter is on the way!

Joyce said...

I love the colors of fall and cooler temps, so I guess that is my favorite time of year. Thanks for the chance!

Maree in NC ☺ said...

My favorite season is spring ~ it's like the earth is waking up from a long winter nap. I'm always so excited to see the tiny green leaves popping out on the trees and the flowers starting to bloom. And, I love being able to open the windows and let some fresh air in and some germs out. LOL Thanks a bunch for the chance to win the yummy spring bundle. ☺

my nana maree @ yahoo . com

barb said...

i love the spring. i get so much joy sitting on my porch and listen to the frogs, birds and what else serenade me, to see baby birds and the return of the humming bird. these fabrics are too cute. thank you for sharing. babscorbitt at gmail dot com

brownj6610 said...

Spring is my favorite because it comes after the doldrums of winter. The trees start to blossom out and the flowers put a fresh scent in the air. Puts a spring in your step.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I love the spring due to all the new growth. But i will say fall is a close second.

Cecilia said...

I love the Fall. The crisp air, beautiful colors, and getting ready for the holidays.

Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

Fall! It's just an exciting time of year :) comfy clothes, apple amd pumpkin picking, crunchy leaves on sidewalks and of course, the upcoming holidays!!

Christine S said...

I love fall as well. Heidi described it perfectly!

Kathy Davis said...

I love Fall because I love watching the trees change color, walking in the crunchy leaves after they have fallen and I love football!

Nannie B said...

Spring is my favorite season. I love all the "bulb" flowers, and flowering trees.

Carol said...

Spring! Temps get warmer, grass gets greener, birds are singing!

Margaret said...

My favorite season is summer; All the beautiful flowers that come into bloom after spring planting and all the time that I get to spend laying around in the pool looking at the colors.

Brenda said...

I like both spring and fall because of the promise of an end to unpleasant weather (too hot, too cold), but especially spring because the days grow longer and there is more light.

Vicki H said...

I love spring and seeing new life in plants, flowers and trees.

Rina Mason said...

Autumn! The temps are perfect, warm during the day and cool at night, there's a crispness in the air. The colors are so rich and nature puts on a glorious show of changing leaves. There are decorations everywhere, mums, scarecrows, pumpkins and Indian corn, It's the season of football, chili, sweaters, boots, apple cider, harvest festivals, the crunch of leaves and fireplaces crackling. It doesn't get better than that.

Joan said...

I love spring with the warmer temperatures and planting the garden. The fabric bundle is gorgeous. Thank you for the chance to win.

Rita McCart said...

I have to say spring, even though they have been short lived lately. Iris, lilac, tulips. Thank you for the chance to win. :D

Unknown said...

I love Summer!! Kids out of school, camping trips, and trips to the beach. :)

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

Spring is my favorite season. Watching the garden come alive gather a long cold winter is spectacular.

beaquilter said...

When I was little it was winter/snow, it meant Christmas and my birthday, I still love it for my kids' sake, but in NC the snowdays from school are teasers, it can be a dusting on the ground and school is closed. summers are too hot, spring is -bi-polar here..... so now I'd say Fall, the leaves turning brown and orange is so pretty around here.

Jenn said...

I love fall when the weather cools down, football season starts, and holiday bazaars and craft fairs!

Bethany said...

The fall is my favorite! I love the colors!

Anita said...

My favorite season is spring, because everything comes to life again after a long and cold winter.

JoyceLM said...

My favorite is the Fall - cooler days & colder nights, changing leaves & college football. Thanks.

Teresa said...

I like fall. I'm a ginger and the colors just get along with me! I also have a birthday in November!

teachpany said...

I like Fall, because of the cooler weather, and foliage. Spring is fun, too, because of everything growing and flowers blooming. I even like winter, because it's cold and snowing, and a fire in the fireplace and quilts on the bed are wonderful.

Jeanne Gwin said...

Spring when all my flowers bloom and the birds return. Thanks for a sweet giveaway.

Betsy said...

Fall. Here in central Florida the weather is nice and everything blooms for the second time before we get our first frost.

Cindy Garaas said...

Fall is my favorite season because of the beautiful colors in North Dakota

Unknown said...

Spring because of the beautiful colors and flowers.

Afquilt said...

I love spring! Finally getting out of the house after the long winter.

Debbie -- Sheltered Stitches said...

Definitely spring as all my flowers pop and the colors begin to brighten then days

lartiste said...

Fall, after the hot, hot summer.

OhioLori said...

I loooove Spring!! Sign of New Beginnings...the flowers & trees waking up...bluest skies...sunshine...warmer temps!....clothes blowing on the clothesline, open windows, getting garden ready. peach blossoms in our Orchard.....could go on & on! lol

Missy Shay said...

I love Spring because of the flowers and green trees and grass. I love the cool weather. I love the fall because that's when my birthday is, I also love the changing of the colors.

Vicki said...

Spring- because I'm so happy to say goodbye to winter!

Tracy said...

Spring, everything is coming alive again! Besides it's when I celebrate my birthday too!

ShirleyC said...

I'm always ready for spring, but I have to say I do love fall when the weather starts to turn cooler after a hot summer. Then I know Christmas isn't far away, and I just love the Christmas holidays.

Teresa S. said...

Fall is my favorite season. I love the colors when the leaves change and I also appreciate cooler days after a long Texas summer.

Teresa S. said...

Fall is my favorite season. I love the colors when the leaves change and I also appreciate cooler days after a long Texas summer.

✄ Erin @ Sew at Home Mummy ✄ said...

I *love* fall. I love that it's still sunny and dry, but there's a crispness that requires sweaters and cute coats. And it's the most beautiful season, with all of the leaves turning!

Cindy said...

My favorite season is summer, because up north it doesn't really get warm until the end of May, and I love warm weather. My tulips just started blooming, the grass is green, the peonies are growing and getting buds on them. That's why I love summer.

Deb said...

My favorite season is spring. It's not too hot and I love to see everything come to life.

Hayley said...

Spring for me!! End of the cold, longer days, smell of jasmine in the air. What's not to love?

valerie boudier said...

My favourite season is spring, not too hot and lots of new growth and blossom

charlotte said...

Spring is my favorite season. I love the flowers blooming and the way the trees and the grass green up. The soft air and lots more sunshine after the short winter days.

Lisa England said...

Fall is my favorite. I love the cooler weather, the colors and football!

Kathy said...

I love summer here at the beach. We never get above 75 degrees and when all the flowers bloom it looks fabulous and smell delishious too (especially the sweet peas).

Fran said...

I love Autumn/fall the most - I like cooler weather & prefer the milder seasons. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely giveaway.

Gill said...

I love Spring - the colours, the light and the warmth!

Kay said...

I am a spring girl, I love the lighter mornings and evenings, gorgeous flowers and sunshine. x

Stitchin At Home said...

I like spring everything is new and fresh with a promise of better things to come. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

they are ALL/EACH my favorites! Spring brings new colors (leaves, grass, flowers), warm but chilly mornings and evenings, end of school…summer brings FRUIT, farmers markets, veggies a plenty, vacations…fall brings new and different colors, pumpkins, holidays, schedules…winter offers family times, cold (and time for quilting flannels!), Christmas, hot drinks. SO - all my favorites, definitely!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

than you for this chance. I love summer...being able to sit out around the yard and cruise on my Solstice

Jeanie said...

Each season has it's own gifts but I enjoy winter because of the peace and quiet that it offers. Of course, it also brings a ton of snow that my back does not appreciate. Thanks for the beautiful fabric giveaway!

Dana Gaffney said...

I love winter, where I live that means temps in the 70's and lower humidity, wonderful!

Patty said...

I love the summer! Swimming laps is my favorite form of exercise.

Melanie Hudgens said...

Love late spring heading towards summer. Inspired by the new growth and plant colors that I see when taking walks.

Nancy L said...

I have to agree, Spring it is!! I love looking at all the new rebirth that starts. After a long, dreary winter, I am always ready to the warmer spring weather.

Emily C said...

I love Autumn. The trees are beautiful, the weather is cooling down and the nights are still nice and short.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Beautiful fabrics!! My favorite is Autumn, love the cool weather and leaves changing colors!

Cal said...

I am trying to convince myself it is Fall, as we are in the thick on it right now, down here in the Southern hemisphere, the colors are lovely and all the nice produce is wonderful. The drawback is, of course, Winter is approaching fast!

Anonymous said...

Winter is my favorite season. The hustle and bustle of summer is over, the yard work is done, I actually like to shovel snow, and Christmas is coming! Thanks!

Jo said...

Summer because it is great to be in the wind

Marianne said...

I like Spring the best. I love the flowers and especially birds having their chicks. We always seem to get a nesting bird in our yard. Fun to watch!


I love Spring and all the green coming back and new babies, even the birds, but new babies and weddings. It means a beginning for us all..

Carol is Sewbizzy said...

I love may be because I was born in September, but have always loved the colors---oranges, browns, gold, and greens...

Unknown said...

Spring is by far my favorite. All the flowers , smell of new cut grass, chirping birds, butterflies, everything new. The fabric colors and prints remind me of everything I love about the season. The flowers and colors heralding the season. Thank you for the great giveaway.
katztoo at exede dot net

Sandra said...

Summer is my favorite. You just have more time to enjoy life and your surroundsing with these longer days. You just seem more energic to get involved and go outside. Life is good. I just love those colors. You just want to start a new project. Thank you for the chance to win.

Sandi Timmons

Wendy said...

spring or autumn. It's not too hot, nor too cold. With Autumn I also get to look forward to Christmas!

Unknown said...

Spring, because temps are just right and my little part of the world is new again with beautiful color. Thanks for the chance.

Chiska said...

I love Spring and Fall. They both have variable weather that is cooler and lots of changes to see in the garden world.

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Spring for me because of the happy buds on trees, the smell of rain and things growing. I love spring because Lily of the Valley and lilacs are out and smelling amazing. I love spring because my birthday is in spring!!!!

Helen said...

Spring is my favorite as the beautiful iris, tulips, lilacs and peonies bloom, I only wish the the not-cold/not-hot temperatures lasted longer here.

Unknown said...

I look forward to fall each year because that is when I am able to really enjoy being outside. I suffer from MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and cannot tolerate heat. This is the main reason I have learned to quilt. It is so relaxing to me and aside from staying active, it helps me with coordination. Love the purple and red together. Thank you for sharing this giveaway.

Joyce Carter said...

Thank you for the giveaway. My favorite Season is Spring. I love watching everything come alive.It is new and clean and smells sooo good.

Quilting Tangent said...

Late Spring - Early Summer Nice clean cool air and everything is coming alive. All the plants are getting there leaves and flowers. The wildlife is back. Early fall - change of leaves and fresh cool air. 24Tangent "at" gmail "dot" com

Barbe said...

Summer, just because its a laid back kind of time with long, long days, and as my sewing room is the coldest area in the house it can get as hot as it wants, i'm happy sewing

Jane S. said...

My favorite season is autumn. I like the way it looks, the way it smells, and the cooler weather is certainly appreciated. :)

BeachQuilter said...

I love fall... its a nice cooler, quiet change from the active hot summer activities! I love the fall colors.

Gwen Wehner said...

As much as I love spring flowers, my favorite season is fall - cooler temps, changing leaves, and of course, football!

Paula said...

Love summer. Love the heat. Even though I live in the deep south (Alabama) summer is still my favorite. I wish I could skip winter altogether. Do not like cold at all.

Kathleen said...

Summer of course! Here in western NY state, we look forward to getting outside and enjoying the warmth!!

Carrie P. said...

very pretty fabric. My favorite season is spring because I love seeing all the new colors of the flowers and leaves after the cold grey winter.

juliehallfeldhaus said...

Spring is a fresh new start!!!

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

Summer is definitely my favorite season. I get to see my girls more, there is more sunlight, it's warmer, and the Western Washington Shop Hop happens!

Allison said...

I'm a summer girl! The higher the temperature, the more I relax!

Anonymous said...


Ella and Nesta said...

I love Summer because Summer = holidays and... my birthday!!!

Nancy said...

FAll. The colours and temperature are just right. When we are young and the school season starts to mean it also represents new beginnings more than New years or spring!

Rosa said...

Spring.Love the warm,bright and sunny days and also I love the blooming flowers.

Michele T said...

I can't say that I have a favorite season because each one is special for different reasons! With that said and after the winter we just experienced that never seemed to end, I was very happy to finally have some warm sunny days!!

johnnyp said...

My favorite season is summer because I love being outside with so many things in nature to inspire me in my quilting. I have so many projects written down, that the long winter is easily passed by all of my sewing projects.

Connie Rhea said...

Fall is my favorite with its earthy smells, promise of beautiful Harvest moons, starlit nights, elegantly dressed trees, the last sweet rose of summer, and cooler days and nights to quilt in comfort and and joy.

Chirpy said...

Winter which reminds me to slow down and enjoy family and friends. A pair of cardinals in a snow brushed pine tree, squeals of children playing games in the snow, snowmen in yards with scarves of multi colors.
Winter and the holidays.

Brenda said...

I love Fall! The morning are getting crisp and cool, leaves are fluttering to the ground. Mother nature and everyone else is getting ready for the winter.

barbara woods said...

Christmas, love all the. Reds and greens

Susan said...

Fall is my favorite! I love the cool weather, bonfires, hay rides, crisp apples, pumpkin bread, candles, shorter days and longer nights. I love the warm colors of fall too.

barbara woods said...

Christmas, love all the. Reds and greens

Mom C said...

Spring, It's always anticipated, waiting for the warmer days and nights, the colors, the freshness of everything. And it's unpredictable, one day it'll get to 85 and the next day we might have snow. But it never stays around like in winter. Fall is also a favorite but spring is such a reward for surviving the winter. Thanks.

Sarah said...

Winter: Everything is so beautiful and cozy, and I love Christmas!

pippirose said...

My favourite season is autumn, because I love the colours and smells--leaves, apples. I love the cooler temps and the shorter days. It's a cozy season.

Anonymous said...

My favorite season is Fall. I love the fall colors, the cooler temperatures, and the scents.

bets said...

Summer is my favorite season...always green grass, flowers etc.m snow!!!

Barb said...

Thanks for the chance to win. My favorite season is fall because of the colors!

JD said...

Spring is my favorite season because everything starts fresh and new.

Sandy said...

I love the summer! Sunshine, flowers, vacations…the Best!

Joan H. said...

I definitely like spring the best when the trees and flowers are in full bloom. Beautiful colors and smells !

Linda Nelson said...

Summer! I'm a teacher, so it is time to recharge and get organized, as well as take classes. My birthday is also in the summer, so a good excuse to get together with family and friends.


Anonymous said...

A tie between Spring and Fall. Spring cause it starts getting warm and the time change so it stays light longer and fall cause it starts to cool off which is such a welcome change from the heat! Thanks for the giveaway
quiltingnanny@yahoo dot com

Shar said...

I love spring, because of the new growth that happens with flowers, animals and trees.

Miggsie said...

My favorite is fall. I love the crisp air and colorful leaves, and the start of a new school year fills me with great memories and a desire to make a fresh start. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kelly Wilson said...

Fall! All the great holidays leading into the winter. While spring denotes new beginnings to many, Fall brings to mind a new school year. The colors are wonderful and almost every food product has a pumpkin version. Thanks! Notwendy gmail said...

Summer is my favorite because it means a trip from California to Boston/Cambridge, MA to see 2 of my 3 kids. If I'm lucky my 3rd child will come with me!

Quilting Nonnie said...

I love Fall. My favorite holiday is the Fall! The gorgeous sunny and crisp days. The colors of the leaves. The smell of baking starts up again after the summer's heat. Fall is always family time, not only on Thanksgiving but because we finish vacations and start being home more.

Sewgirl said...

My favorite season is summer…love the long days, warm weather, and being able to run around in shorts and tee shirts!

GranChris said...

I love any season but winter. I hate the cold. I guess Spring because I love the flowers and trees coming out.

Janie said...

Fall, the colors are intense. Love the purple in the giveaway bundle. Thanks for your tutorials. Thanks for the chance.

Sherry VF said...

Cute bundle...I love reds and oranges. My favorite season is spring because that's when lilacs bloom! svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

Margaret said...

I love fall. Here in Michigan when it starts to cool off and the leaves are falling is awesome. The colors are inspiring and it is so fun to wall through the fallen leaves. I love Halloween it is my favorite holiday.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Hilderbrand My favorite season is Fall. My mother raised six of us by herself working 3 jobs. She would take us out in the car to look at all the changing colors in the woods. I have always loved fall colors.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Hilderbrand forgot email

Julie said...

I love fall! The colors are fun and it's not too crazy hot or cold.

Unknown said...

I love summer the best. I'm always warm and the days are longer.

Missenota aka Kristin S. said...

Hello from Minnesota. I don't actually have a favorite season...what I mean is every season is my favorite when it's happening. So for now, I'm pretty enamored with springtime and baby birds, garden planting, wildflowers blooming until the trees fill out with their leaves, thunderstorms and sunny days.

auschick said...

Mine is fall - the weather is perfect and allergies aren't bothering me!

Unknown said...

Spring when the flowers are just starting to bloom


Hot Summers...... long days..

Mary Ann said...

I like fall with all the beautiful colors changing to golds,reds,oranges.

Anonymous said...

I love Fall, the crisp night air and beautiful fall colors. (

Rachel said...

I love summer. With lost of sun, hot temps, cute dresses, warm water, BBQs... what's not to love!

LauraDot said...

I love summer....I wait all year for summer and enjoy every second of it. I grew up in the Upper Midwest and now live in New England where summers are always too short.

Mara said...

I love spring too, the weather starts to warm up and the flowers start grow!

Charmed Life said...

Spring is my favorite season-but i love the fabrics in your giveaway, which to me are very summery colors.

Anonymous said...

Summer because school is out and more time for sewing! Linda. Thanks for all the giveaways. I got lucky and won the towel one!! Thanks again

Reb Thack said...

Spring! It is warm enough for t-shirts but chilly enough in the evenings for a fire in the fireplace!

Debbie said...

Spring is my favorite season. I love everything turning green and all the flowers starting to bloom.

Karen said...

Definitely fall in Florida. The heat is gone and it's perfect.

Bonnie said...

My favorite season is summer, because I love the warmth. Winter is just too bitter!

Unknown said...

I love summer in Florida. Not because of the temp outside but because it is when I get to see my relatives each year! Woo rain and beaches!

Jacklynn Grimm said...

I love Spring in Wisconsin, after all the snow melts and things start turning green again. I especially love the flowers of Spring = tulips, lily of the valley and lilacs. Thanks for the give away!

Jess Burns said...

I like spring because it's finally sunny & warm, but not too warm yet. Spring is bad for allergies though, so I think I like autumn better. If we get an autumn where it's cool and crisp and sunny, that is hands-down my favorite.

Lisa Clark said...

I love spring. It starts going warm and sunny, but not too hot. The flowers and the trees come into bloom and it is so beautiful and smells so good.

Jetza said...

My favorite season is Halloween, I really don't know I think is because I like the decorations, and I really even didn't know it was my favorite season until last year when I had my first house and I realize I like to decorate it all, even more than Christmas! lol

Unknown said...

My favorite season is Spring. Seeing those first flowers pop up confirms that the cold winter months are really coming to an end!

Lea said...

My favorite season is fall. Thank you for a lovely give away.

Cathy said...

I have to say Spring. Everything in Texas starts to warm up, the days are nice and sunny, not too hot yet. Makes me want to play hooky from work and have a picnic.

Anonymous said...

I love all seasons and feel sorry that all the weather is messed up nowadays.. Anyway, i must admit that spring is a favorite. All the flowers are blooming giving great scents while walking on the streets. It 's a great feeling! Thank you!

Jan said...

I love winter because I get more sewing time.

JayTee said...

I love winter....because I love a snow day for NC we do not get many of those!!

Unknown said...

I love Spring best because it looks like everything is coming back to life with new flowers blooming. Thanks for the giveaway!

apple blossom said...

love Spring because of the beautiful aray of color popping out all over, just makes me want to jump for joy

Lee said...

My favorite season is Fall - I love the fall holidays and fall colors the most! thanks!

sylvie jourdan said...

My favorite season is summer.
I leave in south of France near the mediterranean sea and the colors are warm ( all the blues of the sea) and my birthday is on july ! Thanks for this giveaway

Jeneta said...

Spring! I love the feeling of renewal and the great gardening weather.

Unknown said...

I love Fall. Cooler temperatures, pumpkins, falling leaves. Doesn't get any better.
Thank you.

Christy H said...

I love summer. I'd rather be hot than cold, and I love being able to do stuff outside! Especially after this LONG winter we had this year.