
Friday, December 19, 2014

12 Day of Giveaways {Day 12}

Today we are giving away a $25 Gift Certificate to the shop!  

We are also offering 30% off all Holiday House!!!  Use code:  HOLIDAY30

Code expires December 19, 2014 @ midnight!

To enter, answer the following question:

Are you done with your Christmas shopping?


Please leave your answer in the comment section below.

Giveaway ends: December 19 @ midnight.

Now let's get to our regular Fabric Frenzy Friday post! 

Today's bundle batch:

Click HERE to purchase this bundle! 

AQUA RED CRUSH is today's 9 piece Bundle Batch!  One of our all-time favorite color combinations - these colors speak for themselves!  

Included in each bundle are one cut of each  (in order from top to bottom):
  1. Valentine Roses Bouqet Red - Free Spirit
  2. Painter's Canvas Mermaid  - Michael Miller 
  3. Park Drive Paisley - Henry Glass
  4. Oval Elements Blue Lagoon - Art Gallery
  5. Valentine Roses Stripe - Free Spirit
  6. Essentials Petite Dots Light Teal - Wilmington
  7. Stitched Circles Minnie - Michael Miller
  8. Sketch Aqua - Timeless Treasures
  9. Valentine Roses Doilies & Roses Red - Free Spirit

Now that we shared our fabric for the week, we want to see yours! 

Here is your chance to link up anything to do with fabric! You can link up finished quilts, a work in progress, a new fabric you just bought, a project made with fabric, or maybe you just want to show off some of your stash.  Anything goes--as long as it has to do with fabric! 

*Please link up a specific post, not your main page
*Please link back or use a button on your post, or blog. 
*Please visit some other links and leave a comment! :) 

250 x 250
Fort Worth Fabric Studio Blog
It is going to be a frenzy of fabric around here and we can't wait to see what you have been creating with your fabric! So please, grab a button or share a link and come on over Friday and let's party!!!

If you need a different sized button--click here for different sizes.


http://thankfullga447 said...

No, I am not finish with shopping just about 5 more items and then done. Didn't enjoy shopping this year.

Margaret said...

Purchased, wrapped and under the tree. Merry Christmas Fort Worth Fabric Studio!

Lee said...

Oh no - not finished!! Happy Holidays! thank you!

Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

Only two recipients to shop for... that's happening tomorrow!

gpc said...

The shopping part is done, but there is wrapping, cleaning and picking up some custom orders still to do! I'm exhausted! :)

Tammy said...

I'm almost through shoppig Only have a few small items left to get.

Katie D said...

I just bought my last gift last night!

Elizabeth S. said...

I made my gifts this year. Finished the last one last night. Now to wrap and ship.

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

Pretty much! I have one last stop to pick up gifts I had shipped to a store but that's it.

Sheila said...

We have just two presents left to buy. WOO HOO!

Nancy L said...

No I am not finished!! I have gifts for my daughter and her family to buy. I am traveling there on the 23rd, so I need to get in gear!!

JLVerde said...

Oh yes, I'm done. Though when it comes to my sister, I always keep my eyes peeled for little add ons.

Patty S said...


Ellee said...

Making all the gifts this year. No buying gifts this time around. Only buying I'm doing is ingredients for baking cookies to bring to get-togethers. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

Martina said...

Yay, just about to gifts to get and then it is done.
Thanks for the fun these past days. It was great and I loved to read your answer to the questions to.
Happy Christmas from Switzerland
Hugs Martina

Anonymous said...

I am finished shopping and wrapping! Thanks!

Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

Vicki in MN said...

I have 2 gifts left to get-maybe today I will get one of those at least! Merry Christmas!

Marianne said...

I'm about halfway! I'm always done by this time, I don't know what happened this year. Maybe too much sewing, naw!

Lee Ann L. said...

100% done, finished, wrapped and over with, etc., and etc. :-)

Tracy said...

No 😳

Lisa England said...

Nope, not done.

Amy said...

I'm not sure if I am finished. Going to start the wrapping tonight and will know after it is finished.

Julie said...

Finished and wrapped! I'm so on the ball I picked up another project this week!

annemarie said...

I wish I could say "yes" but the truth is "no".

The Mayo Family said...

Wow...hard to believe that this is the last day!
In answer to the question....due to illness, no, I am not done; going on a date with my hubby so, Lordwilling....we can get 'done' then! :)

Tiffany said...

Almost! Just one more thing and I'm done!
Thanks for being so generous these past 12 days!

Pamela said...

Not completely finished, gotta find something for my mom and stepdad, both ninety-year-olds. It's tough. They don't really need much. But it's always nice to see smiles on their faces when they unwrap a gift!

Anonymous said...

Probably a bad answer, but I don't know! I buy things here and there for the last month or 2 and then I get totally confused where I'm at! Mostly because I have to hide from my 2 littles! I do think most of the major things are done, but stockings need a bit more (I think!). Thanks! Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com

magistra said...

No, not finished and not decorated yet...sigh. A very busy weekend coming up in my household tie weekend! Magistra13 at yahoo dot com

Needled Mom said...

Yes, I am finally finished. Yeah.

Kristal said...

I AM done shopping! But I haven't wrapped a thing! And I need to put up my tree....

Jeanie said...

I'm done....they are all wrapped and mailed. Thanks again for the giveaway! Merry Christmas!

Anita said...

I have made a couple, but have not ( and will not) buy anything. Christmas is way too materialistic, in my opinion.

Unknown said...

Yes, I'm finally done! Thanks for such a great giveaway! I love your shop!

legato1958 said...

I need to buy some more groceries for Christmas meal!
Merry Christmas!

Barbara Thibeault said...


PersimonDreams said...

I think I am. I really like giving presents though so I wouldn't be surprised if I pick up a few more things here and there ...

cdorfsmith said...

Yes, I'm all done with my shopping! I just finished sewing up my last gift yesterday.

cynthia said...

Yes!!! Wrapped and ready!

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said...

I'd like to say yes but that would jinx me. So I'll say I think so.

Linda B said...

Yes finally.....they are wrapped and ready to go.....woooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo

Nannie B said...

Well, my shopping is finished but the gifts aren't wrapped. Guess I need to get busy.
Merry Christmas to all!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Ready wrapped and shipped! Now I can focus on sewing.

Pamela said...

Just getting started!

Marti Taylor said...

Finishing up shopping tomorrow. I am usually done shopping by the beginning of December so this is super unusual for me!

Anonymous said...

HI, yes I'm finished as of a couple weeks ago; can't stress myself with last minute rushing. Today some cleaning and later make 2 batches of fudge and I'm ready!

Ali said...

I am not...we are moving Saturday and things have gotten away from me!

OurKookyLife said...

yes I was finished gift shopping the week after thanksgiving but I'm still buying myself presents :) mostly fabrics

jeifner said...

I could be done, but I may have to buy a couple things instead of sewing them

Unknown said...

I am done! I just finished last night. I am so glad that I was able to get it done at all since it is a little more difficult this year with twin babies. I did most of it online.


Kristin said...

I am done! And everything has been mailed out! Just hoping they get their boxes by Christmas...

Susan said...

YES, I AM DONE! Still have some wrapping to do though. Love your aqua and red bundle!

Jayne said...

I am not! Yesterday was the first day I went shopping! I seriously am a very bad shopper...I don't like to shop!

maura said...

I am done with the major shopping, but the stocking stuffers are eluding me.

FlourishingPalms said...

Yes! Finished with shopping. Everything had to be mailed and/or shipped by a company, so the delivery is in someone else's hands now! Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!

Unknown said...

Shopping is done, packages in the mail, baking done, now time to relax and enjoy!

Unknown said...

Yes, I am done with Christmas shopping. Woo hoo!!

Judy@Quilt Paradigm said...

Done, but then again, not a whole lot to do :)

Brittina anderson said...

Yes I am done! Nothing's wrapped but shopping is finished :) merry Christmas everyone!

Lisa E said...

Yes, I am finished but I'm open to picking up some small things here and there. Need to finish wrapping too.

Nancy said...

We don't really "do" Christmas anymore, and give money to the kids usually (very small family). So, yes, I'm finished...

tktl said...

Christmas shoping, yes! Sewing and knitting.....never.

t_ktl at

Carol said...

90% done. I'm hoping to finish today.

Unknown said...

Yes, finished

Lou said...

just finished today:) yea!!!!

OhioLori said...

Didn't do much shopping, but yes..all finished up. Is the Sewing I am still busy with tho! lol Will make in time...just extra bit to go! :)


Michelle said...

Yes I am done and everything is wrapped.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I am completely ready done shopping...wrapped...thank you for th fun giveaways

Quiltingmama said...

No, not finished yet....sadly! Thanks for the giveaway!

Vicki H said...

Done shopping and wrapping. Ready to go. Merry Christmas.

sylvie jourdan said...

Yes I am done to day yeahhhh !

Katy P said...

I have one more gift to get!

Carmen N said...

As of noon today (where I did some fast and furious shopping over my lunch-hour) I have two gifts left ...that is, if you don't count the few small handmade gifts I'm scrambling to finish in the next few days.

quiltzyx said...

Only have to make some fudge & I'm done!

barbara woods said...

just a couple more

Angelia Lanouette said...

Almost done....just need to get a few more stocking stuffers and a few things for my fury four legged kids! Merry Christmas!

Dorian said...

Yes! I'm done...except for some stocking stuffers...things are even wrapped :) Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

No, I'm not finished but I don't have much more to get.


Debbie said...

Yep all done. What I got is enough. Thanks for all these great giveaways. You are the best! (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)

Julianne said...

Nope! I have one more thing to buy!

Kris said...

A couple of stocking fillers.

Kim Q said...

Noooooo....darn it! :-(

Kelly Wilson said...

I haven't even started! I should probably get on that. Thanks! Notwendy gmail

Sandy said...

I just started this week actually, so no! I'm also making some, and they're not done either!

Unknown said...

Almost done. Will be finished after this weekend. Would love to win the gift certificate. Thanks for the opportunity and the 12 days of give-a-ways!! Happy Holidays.

Jodi - usairdoll said...

Another awesome giveaway! Well considering I only started shopping day before yesterday, I'm doing pretty good. Most of the shopping is done, just like 3 more gifts to get.

Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


Janie said...

Yes I am thank goodness!

Alla said...

Almost done....only have to buy the bone for my baby-boy (little poodle :)))

Mary Ann said...

All done except for one more thing.

Unknown said...

Yes-thank goodness!

QuilterB said...

Almost done. Just need to figure out a gift for my MIL.

Barb said...

Thankfully, yes, I am done! Nice giveaway...again.

Jan A. said...

All done shopping! It's time for the baking to commence!

pippirose said...

All I have to get is a couple of gift cards, and I'm done. Did NOT go overboard this year!! :o)

Jean said...

I so wish I was done. It'll be a busy weekend!

Rachel said...

I think I'm all done, maybe just one more gift for me? ;) Thanks for the chance to win!

BlessOSU said...

I sure hope I am done! LOL Thanks for the contest

Ramona said...

I am almost done shopping but have a couple more gifts to get and a couple more to finish making.

Cindy said...

I'm not quite done, but I'm hoping to finish up tomorrow. I have to be nuts to go shopping the Saturday before Christmas, but I'm taking my son shopping, and he is super excited to go shopping. cdahlgren at live dot com

amy said...

Shopping is done but the wrapping isn't! Still lots to do!

Kathy E. said...

Shopping??? I have it all in my head, but nothing is bought which means there's nothing beneath the tree. It's going to be a busy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Totally done - just waiting on something to arrive (from a company that is waiting for something to arrive.). :-)

Rina Mason said...

Two more to get and and then I'm done. Just not feeling the Christmas spirit this year.

JoyceLM said...

I still have a few more things to purchase & some cookies to bake. Thanks.

Gary and Natalie Pratt said...

Not done, but dangerously close!

Kathy said...

Yahoo! I'm one gift away from being done! Time to kick back and enjoy the holiday lights! Merry Christmas Ft Worth Fabrics! Thank you for being there every day (and late night!) of the year!

Susan Ikin said...

I have one gift left to get- it has been ordered and I am waiting for it to arrive.

Missy Shay said...

Yes, I am done with all of my shopping! Now I need to write my Christmas cards! LOL

T Hays said...

Yes, I'm done. Yeah!

Deb said...

Just ordered my last online item tonight!

Anonymous said...

I am done with my Christmas shopping. I am not done preparing everything though.

Afton Warrick said...

I'm all done, I think.

Carrie P. said...

No I still have a few more to buy.

Abbe Coury said...

All done except one little craft supply tomorrow! Merry Christmas!

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Yes! I'm Only finished because we are doing our family get together this coming Sunday.

Unknown said...

No I'm not finished. I have 13 grandchildren and 2 greats to shop for.

Allison C said...

All done and very happy to be done early

Jacklynn Grimm said...

No, I decided today that the gifts going to co-workers need to be in homemade fabric gift bags, and that I should make another one of my coworkers a pillow! I'll probably be handsewing things as I leave for work on Christmas Day! Thanks for the give away! jacklynnsteven at netzero dot com

Kathleen said...

Done!! We shopped at the bank. All the big kids are getting money. It's always the right size and everyone loves the color!!

Jessica said...

Thank goodness, yes!

juliehallfeldhaus said...

Just a little left. and a few pillowcases to make!! thanks:)

Unknown said...

I haven't even started! I'm swamped with papers and exams to grade, and they have to go! However, I think I might have to abandon them for a couple hours tomorrow and do some Xmas shopping. Good luck to all of you and happy holidays!
Maria (

Jen said...


Sarah said...

Yes, my shopping is done!

Rhonda D. said...

I am finished both shopping and making gifts! My husband is not! Thanks for the chance to win!
wigglypup2 ( at ) yahoo ( dot ) com

Susan said...

No. Should be tomorrow, though.

Unknown said...

All done, most were made.
merry christmas and happy solstice! It's a big deal as you get more northern---enough sewing after dark already!:-)

Béa said...

Yes all my shopping is done !

usagypsy said...

No! Its going to be a hectic weekend!

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Yup - all done!! However, I still need to buy some brussels sprouts!!! Yuck!

debbie said...

I am finished

Mom C said...

I was thinking I probably should do some grocery shopping. Most of the gifts are done but the family will expect food too. Thanks.

Gill said...

All done - just a few grocery items to shop for!

Unknown said...

Yes, all finished with the thanks going to and Walmart shipping straight to my granddaughters front door. Finished last month with Black Friday (Online).