
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Blog Contributors 2015

Hi there! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas!  It all went so fast.  We spent all week with family and had a great time.  It's good to be back home and I am more than ready to spend some time sewing again! But first, I need to clean the tornado that I call my sewing room!  I sewed some last minute gifts up last week and haven't had time to clean anything up.  So as soon as I do that, I will be back to sewing! :)

I wanted to announce to everyone our Blog Contributors for 2015!  I am excited about the upcoming year and all the great projects we will share with you all! We have an excellent and diverse group of ladies that will be helping me out on the blog.  I can't wait for you all to meet them! Here is a little snippet about each new contributor!

Hello from Deana Jennings!  I am a wife, mother of three, teacher, blogger, and quilt designer.  I have a passion for all things beautiful and simple: quilts, sunsets, clear blue skies, smiles, small towns, and my desert home in Utah.

You can find Deana at her blog: Dreamworthy Quilts

I am a former Army helicopter pilot turned stay at home mom and quilter.  Quilting began as another in a long line of hobbies.  Most have ended up in the closet of good intentions, but quilting stuck and became a creative outlet and stress reliever while in the Army and out.  Currently, I am a longarm quilter in North Carolina and I am expanding into 3D sewing as I learn about garment sewing for myself and my 2 year old daughter.  

You can find Heather at her blog: Quilts Actually

My name is Jamie Cooley.  I learned how to thread a sewing machine nearly eight years ago and have been sewing ever since.  My obsession is every kind of fabric and my favorite way to express myself is through quilting.  

You can find Jamie over at her blog: Busy Bee Quilts

Trina Gallop Blank is a shoe-lover, cake baker, sewing enthusiast, knowledgable knitter, basset wrangler, and just recently became a half-marathon runner (looming milestone birthdays will do that to a girl!)  She shares all of this and more over at her lifestyle blog - Will Cook for Shoes.  Ever since she can remember, Trina has been one of those people who sees something and goes " I can make that!"  - and then usually does!  When she's not sewing, knitting, or baking for other people, you will find Trina hanging out with her two sweet basset hound boys (Buster and Baxter) and her husband Matt in there home in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

You can find Trina at her blog: Will Cook for Shoes

These ladies are all so talented and I can't to see what they have in store for us in the New Year!

Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

Lara B. said...

What a great line-up of very talented quilters Lindsey! Looking forward to seeing what you all cook up together! Happy New Year!

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