
Thursday, July 2, 2015

5 Things {Allison Harris}

Hi there! We are so excited to have Allison Harris from Cluck Cluck Sew stop by today for our 5 Things series! 

Allison is the talent behind Cluck Cluck Sew! She has been a long time blogger and pattern designer and has recently started designing fabric for Windham Fabrics.  Her newest collection Hazel will be out this fall! We love her new line and you can pre-order this lovely collection HERE.

Before we get to the five things, I asked Allison a few specific questions about her work and inspiration! I hope you enjoy getting to know Allison as much as I have! 

Where do you get your inspiration from?
Everywhere!  I've found inspiration in architecture, floors, rugs, stamps, never know when inspiration will strike!

What was the first thing you designed?
That would have to be barbie clothes when I was 10.  They were super ugly. 

What are you currently working on? 
Finishing some baby quilts and a fourth fabric line.  Deadlines are looming!

What does your creative space look like? 
Right now it looks like a mess...I'm shuffling things around, so it looks like a bomb when off in there.  I can't sew or work in a mess, so I need to get it cleaned up stat!

 Here are five things: 

1.  I met my husband on the sidewalks of Sevilla, Spain.  I was doing study abroad and he was on a Church mission, I knew I was supposed to marry him from the day I met him...but he took a little more convincing once he was home.  ;) 

2.  My degree is in Microbiology....germs are my jam. 

3.  I could literally eat cheesecake for every meal.  EVERY MEAL.  It has protein right?  

4.  I love financial books.  I've never been a big fan of fiction...but give me a stack of books on the stock market and I'm a happy camper.  So if you ever need advice on index funds...I'm your girl.  

5.  I like old music.  Gladys Knight's "Midnight Train to Georgia" will always be my favorite song for ever and ever.  I even told her that in person once...and I may have cried...and she may have called security.  Ok that last part didn't happen, but there were tears.  ;) 

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Allison as much as I have! You can find Allison:

Talk to you soon,


http://thankfullga447 said...

Cluck Cluck Sew I have been following you for years, I just love Fort Worth Fabric Studio. said...

I am so glad to meet another quilter who reads anything financial. "Wall Street Journal," is my favorite. But books, magazines and financial blogs are fascinating too.

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