
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Fabric Frenzy Friday Features

Hi Friends! I always enjoy looking at everyone's projects they link up to our weekly linky party - Fabric Frenzy Friday!  I want to start featuring your lovely fabric creations!  So be sure to link up your projects every week!! :) 

Look at this lovely finish from Vicki! I have been saying all week that I am ready for fall! This runner is so perfect for a fall table! I love the pattern and the lovely fall colors! Great job Vicki! 

Photo Credit: Vicki's Crafts

Look at these adorable Halloween Coasters from Tracy! I have always wanted to try my hand at Quilt As You Go-- so be sure to check out her tutorial and give it a go! :)  Thanks Tracy for the awesome tutorial! 
Photo Credit: This and That from One Twenty Seven

Oh my goodness! Look at this cuteness! Amanda is getting caught up on her Farm Girl Vintage blocks!  That really gives me some motivation to get going on mine! (I've been a total slacker!) Be sure to stop by her blog to check out the beautiful blocks and the drawstring bags she made! :) 
Photo Credit: The Cozy Pumpkin
Be sure to stop by the linky party for all the lovely ideas that were shared this week!

Talk to you soon!


Vicki in MN said...

Awww thanks Lindsey!! Tickled pink to be featured :-)

Tracy said...

This is really cool. Thanks for featuring my project Lindsey! The foam is what really makes it fast and simple. I'll be checking out the FFF links to see if anyone has created some. Love your blog and shop. :)

The Cozy Pumpkin said...

Thank you for the feature, Lindsey! You're a sweetie...and I can't wait to see your FGV progress.

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