
Monday, September 21, 2015

Fabric Frenzy Friday Features

Hi there! I hope you all had a great weekend! We had some fabulous projects linked up on Friday! Here are this week's features:

Oh my goodness, this quilt is a show-stopper! I absolutely love this quilt by Myra from Busy Hand Quilts! I adore her use of solids and the quilting really enhances the quilt!  The colors just pop against those gray tones! Great job Myra!! 


You all know I am a sucker for pinwheels! I am loving this quilt by A Quilting Chick! She made these blocks from leaders and enders! How awesome is that! 

I have only done very simple paper piecing before, and I actually really enjoyed it! This camera though---is seriously amazing! Whims and Fancies shared this awesome block, and it really make me want to dive into paper piecing! :) 

Be sure to stop by the linky party and check out all the fabulous projects! I hope you all have a good week! 

Talk to you soon!


Cathy said...

Aww, thanks so much for sharing my project! I'm a sucker for pinwheels too and can't wait to get this one finished.

Myra @ Busy Hands Quilts said...

Thank you for featuring my GRAVITY Quilt. It has been an adventure all the way making it, and it is wonderful to have it done!

Jayne said...

Wow to all of those!!

Soma @ said...

Thank you so much for featuring the camera. I love paper piecing :)


Unknown said...

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