
Monday, March 14, 2016

Fabric Frenzy Friday Features

Happy Monday! We had such lovely projects shared last Friday! Here are this week's features: 

Super Mom - No Cape, shared this adorable Flutteryby Top!  Isn't this just the sweetest! It really inspires me to learn how to do more garment sewing! 
Super Mom - No Cape

Podunk Pretties has three beautiful quilt tops she is sharing on her blog! I am in love with this flower quilt! It is so happy and bright! Be sure to stop by her blog to see her other lovely finishes! 
Podunk Pretties

My Quilt Infatuation is sharing her Carrelage Quilt! Isn't this a beautiful quilt?! Love the design and especially her choice of colors! They flow so well! 
My Quilt Infatuation

 Be sure to stop by the link party and check out all the great projects shared on Friday!

If you were featured this week - go HERE to get an "I was featured!" button! :)

Talk to you soon,

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