Hi there! Today I have a fun little pattern to share with you all! A few weeks ago, my sister-in-law asked me if I could make a few things for her little girl for Christmas. One of those items was an apron.
Well I got to work and found this cute little apron pattern here. I thought it was so adorable, but I wanted to change it up a little bit. Plus my sister-in-law requested a larger pocket.
I made my own pattern because I needed the apron to be a bit smaller since it will be for a two year old, I also added prairie points on the edge of the apron to add a little extra embellishment!
Avie, my little girl was my apron model for me. She is just about 9 months older than her cousin, so they are pretty close to the same size so she was the perfect little model for me. :)
This apron is reversible so you can have two different fabrics for each side. Or you could keep it the same on both sides. It's up to you!
This apron is a breeze to make because instead of sewing up the ties, you use a wide grosgrain ribbon for the neck tie and the other ties. So it really comes together quite quickly!
The prairie points just add a little extra flare to the apron, and since prairie points are double sided, they work wonderfully for this reversible apron. If you didn't want to use prairie points you could use ric rac and it would be just as cute!
Avie's smelling the flower face.... :)
My little girl is 2 years old, and it fits her nicely and I'm sure will fit her for another year or so. So I would say that this pattern is good for children 2-3 years old.
Now let's get started!
2 fat quarters OR 1/2 yard cuts of two different fabrics (this will leave you with plenty extra to make the pockets if you decide to go with yardage rather than fat quarters. ( All the fabric in these photos was Summer Breeze by Riley Blake. You can purchase it here)
Scraps for the pockets and the prairie points
1 yard of Ribbon
1 button
Coordinating thread
2 apron panels (Print out PDF pattern Page 1 and Page 2) The pattern should measure about 16" long and 8" wide after you tape the two pieces together.
2 - 8" x 9" pieces for pockets
4 - 4" squares for prairie points
2 - 20" pieces of ribbon
1 - 15" piece of ribbon
1. Print out your copies of the PDF Pattern and cut them out:

2. Tape piece 1 to piece 2 and then you have your pattern:

3. Place your pattern on your fabric and be sure to place the pattern on the fold and cut out:
5. Cut out 4 - 4" Squares of a coordinating fabric--these will be used for you prairie points. Fold the squares in half diagonally and press. Then fold again and press. This creates your prairie points. You will need 4 for this apron.
6. Place your prairie points at the bottom of one of your apron pieces. (it doesn't matter which piece you attach these to) Line them up so the unfinished edge of the prairie point lines up with the bottom of the apron. You will line them up 1.5" from either edge they will overlap about 1/4". Pin them to secure.
7: Sew a 1/4" stay stitch across the bottom to sew the prairie points on:
8: Cut out your pocket piece 8" x 9"
9: Fold in half right sides together. Sew around the pocket, leaving a small opening:
10: Turn right side out and press. (you will press your opening shut, but will not sew it shut yet) Sew a 3/8" top stitch along the top of the edge that was folded:
11: Fold the pocket in half and lay the folded edge along the center of the apron front and 3.5" up from the bottom edge:
12: Unfold the pocket and pin into place. Sew the pocket on, this is where you will sew the bottom edge of the pocket shut. Use an 1/8" seam all around--be sure to leave the top open! Also, if you want to make the pocket into two pockets, sew straight down the middle of the pocket to make two pockets.
13: Now attach the ties. You will need two pieces of ribbon cut 20" long. Pin them to the apron on either side:
14: Sew a 1/4 seam to attach the ribbons, then set this piece of the apron aside.
15: Get your other main piece for your apron and you will attach a pocket by following steps: 8-12.
16: Take your apron piece with the ties attached and lay it flat so it's right sides up. Be sure to have the ties on top of the apron:
17: Place your other apron piece on top--so that they are right sides together. Pin into place all around and sew a 3/8" seam all around---except for the very top--you will leave this open. Once you have sewn it all together, clip the corners ( so that when you turn it you will have crisp edges)
18: Turn right sides out and press:
19: Fold the top down 3/8" and press:
20: Cut a ribbon for your neck strap 15" Place one side of the ribbon on the inside of the top opening:
21 and 22 : Sew your opening closed with your ribbon inside of the opening using a 1/4" seam. After you do that, you will add a button hole to the opposite side of where you attached the neck strap: (use your machine's manual instructions on how to sew a button hole)
23: Sew a button onto the opposite side of your neck strap. Also, to keep your ribbon ends from fraying, you can use a lighter and carefully melt the edges of the ribbons on the neck strap and also the ties.
Very cute!
Sew cute, I love it.
This is beautiful! I have to make one for my 2 year old daughter and I bet my 9 year old will want one too! Thank for the tute.
Just so adorable!! Thanks for the great tutorial, too! This is such a cute project!
Lindsey, this apron is very cute. But I can't get the pdf pattern to open. Any hints? Maybe a broken link? I would like to make this apron for my 3 x 2yr old grandchildren.
Hi Carol,
I am sorry you are having a problem opening the PDF's. I tried the links several times and they are working for me. Maybe you could try clearing your cookies and try again. Or maybe try a different browser. If that doesn't work, I could try and email you the links directly. Email me at lindsey@fortworthfabricstudio.com if you need me to email you the links directly. I hope this helps!
Stumbled across this some how. So totally adorable.
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