Hi there! I can't believe we are in September! I have been able to spend quite a bit of time sewing lately since we are back in school and things have sort of settled down a bit!
A little bit ago, I made this Birdie Sling Bag. I had more than enough fabric left over, so I knew I had to make a matching wallet. It took me some time to figure out how I was going to make it, and I finally decided to keep it rather simple and basic.
This is what I came up with:
This wallet includes: a small zipper pouch for change, 6 card holders, a cash/checkbook pocket, and a magnetic snap for the closure. Nothing too fancy going on here, but it is very functional!
The tutorial may seem a little long-winded....but I promise you this is not very difficult. It took me a while to put together, but that's because I had to figure out measurements and make the pattern, but I think for a relatively new sewer, this shouldn't take more than two hours to complete!
So let's get started!
For this wallet I used the following fabrics:
Falling Cloudberry - Art Gallery - Interior
Femme Metale Sapphire - Art Gallery - Exterior
Drift Island Droplets - Art Gallery -- Card Pockets and Zipper Extender
Supplies and cutting:
1/4 yard of exterior fabric
1/4 yard of interior fabric
1/4 yard of pocket fabric
1/4 yard fusible fleece
1/4 yard SF 101 Interfacing
You will need to cut out both pattern pieces out of paper -- Download piece 1 HERE and piece 2 HERE
For the INTERIOR of wallet:
- cut pattern piece 1 out of fabric and line with interfacing (SF 101)
- cut pattern piece 2 out of same fabric as piece 1 and line with interfacing (SF 101)
- 8 1/2" x 20" piece of coordinating fabric (for card pockets) - do not line this piece.
- 2 - 2 1/2" squares of same fabric as your pocket fabric- line these with interfacing (SF101) interfacing (these are your extenders for your zipper)
For EXTERIOR of wallet:
You will need to tape pattern piece 1 and 2 together to create your pattern piece for the exterior of your wallet. So that you have one piece for your exterior
- Cut your exterior piece out of fabric and line it with Fusible Fleece. This will give your wallet structure.
Other supplies needed:
- 7" zipper
- Magnetic snap
- Pins
Now let's start sewing!
Step 1: Start with your zipper, 2 small square pieces and your interior pattern piece 2:
Step 2: Place your two square extenders 1 1/2" from each edge of the zipper right side down and sew them on:
Step 3: Press them open and then trim off all the excess fabric so that you now have an 8 1/2" long piece for your zipper:
Step 4: Now place your zipper piece and interior pattern piece 2 right sides together and sew a 1/4" seam. Press open and then top stitch a 1/4" from the edge of the zipper piece and then set aside.
Step 5: Now grab your long piece for your card pockets. This is kind of tricky to explain, so hopefully you'll understand! You will want a credit card on hand so that you can properly measure where you will press for your pockets.
You will want to double fold the top edge and sew a hem about 3/8".
Now grab your card and line it up at the edge of the fabric:
Step 6: Now with your card firmly in place (you will use your fingers to keep it in place) fold over the bottom edge of the fabric and press be sure to not iron over your card! You might melt it:
Step 7: Now fold your fabric back over, holding your card securely in place and expose about 3/8" of your card and press. Take your card out before you press! The best way I can explain this is by folding a paper fan--it's the same technique used here.
Step 8: Follow the same steps as above to make your other pockets, so that you have three pockets total:
Step 9: Now you will measure the halfway point (4.25") of your pockets piece and mark it and then sew a seam on that line. You will also sew a stay stitch on either side of the pockets-- 1/4" seam.
Step 10: Now place your pocket piece (If you have any hanging over the interior piece, just trim it off) on top of your interior piece and pin 4 3/8" down from the top and sew another stay stitch along the left and right sides--1/4"
Step 11: Now you will attach your zipper piece. Place right sides together with the bottom edge of your pocket piece and then sew a 1/4" seam. Press open:
Step 12: Now it's time to attach your magnetic snap to your interior piece.
Line up your ruler with the top edge and 1 1/2" down. Then mark your fabric at the 4.25" mark-- that's exactly the center.
Step 13: Now take one of your flat pieces of your snaps and place the middle circle on the dot you made. Now you will mark either side in the little rectangle spots:
Step 14: Now you will carefully use your seam ripper and rip open the tiny marks you made *except the inner circle mark.
Step 15: Now put your snap part through the holes:
Step 16: Turn it over to the back and add your disc piece and then fold the prongs over to secure your snap.
Step 17: Now take your exterior piece. We are going to add the other snap. Place your ruler 3" from the bottom of your piece and mark the 4.25" spot from the side. You will follow the same steps as above to add your other part of your snap.
Step 18: Now place your two pieces - the exterior piece and your interior piece right sides together and pin all the way around. Make sure you leave your zipper OPEN! (My zipper is not open in the picture, but I did open it when I stitched around it) Now stitch all the way around the perimeter of your wallet using a 1/2" seam.
Step 19: Once you have stitched all the way around clip your corners and then clip around the rounded edge at the top. You will then turn the wallet right side out through the zipper opening.
Step 20: Press. Top stitch all the way around your wallet and then stitch about 1/2" from the top of the zipper--this will be seen on the other side of your wallet so be sure to use matching thread. This seam is to keep everything that you put into the zipper portion--within that part of the wallet--so you don't have anything floating around!

And there you have it, a cute and functional wallet!
Talk to you soon!
very cute, great pics in tutorial. thanks for sharing
Thank you, I pinned this for later!
very cute. Thanks for the tute.
Great job Lindsey!!!!
Great wallet!! I've got a Craft Gossip post scheduled for this evening that links to your tutorial:
Very cute. I like so much your tuto, it's very clear ans understable. Thanks
Help. I'm confused. Is the outer piece all of pattern piece 1 & 2. What pieces are the inner pattern piece? What piece is the zippered coin purse? What are the 3 sections in piece 2 for? I like the looks of this wallet and would like to try it but I can't get past the pattern.
Hi Martha!
The exterior (outer piece) is the pattern piece one and two taped together. Pattern piece two is just one piece --which is a rectangle that is 8 .5" x 3 1/4" You will use pattern piece two (the rectangle) for the zipper portion--which is pictured in step 4. After you are done cutting out your zipper portion, you will use pattern piece two and tape it to the bottom of pattern piece one to make the pattern for the exterior of your wallet.
I hope this helps!
Thanks. I'll have another go at it tomorrow.
I love the wallet and want to make one. What are the dimensions of the whole thing? The pattern I printed out is too small. Thanks!
I am having the same problem. Printed up the pattern and cut it out, but my pattern pieces are much smaller than my card pockets piece. What are the lines on pattern piece #2? Are we supposed to cut on these lines? Or are they fold lines?
Ooooo! I figured it out! When printing the pattern pieces, unclick 'fit to page'. This makes a HUGE difference in the pattern size!
Sorry you are having problems printing it out! Pattern piece two is a rectangle that measures 8.5" x 3.25" Hope this helps!
This will not print out correctly no matter what setting the printer is on. Could you just give me the dimensions of pattern pieces 1 and 2 after they are taped together? If I just knew the size of the outside body piece it would help a lot.
I'm sorry Gail, that the pattern isn't printing the right size! The pattern taped together is 12.25" x 8.5" . I hope this helps!!
Help.....I am making your wallet but I am so confused on Step #11. Could you please send me some other photos showing exactly where the zipper piece is placed and where it should be sewn. Thank you, Ann
I would like to make this wallet. I'm new to sewing. For the pattern piece 2, am I correct that I'm only using the 8-1/2" x 3-1/4" portion in the PDF document? There's a "blank" rectangle above the 8-1/2" x 3-1/4" portion.
Also, you state that the pattern, when taped together is 12.25" x 8.5". This is after I cut the material and not the finished product, correct?
Hi Monica,
Yes, you are correct!! The piece two is just a 8.5" x 3.25" rectangle. Yes, after you cut out of fabric this is the size of your cut fabric.
Would love to see your wallet when you are done! :)
thanks for the very clear tutorial. hill tag you when i make one!
Can I make a suggestion? Maybe the length of the interior piece should be the same as the exterior. I made the wallet as directed, but I could see the fleece and metal snap on the inside of the zippered coin pouch, because the interior piece ended at the same point as the pocket piece. If the interior piece were the same size as the exterior piece, not only would the coin pouch be lined, but you could sew the pouch line (above the zipper, the seam that creates the pouch) to the interior piece ONLY and not to the exterior piece, eliminating the sloppy-looking seam on the exterior of the wallet. does that make sense? Just a thought.
Marie, Thank you for the suggestion. I appreciate your feedback, and will look into adjusting the pattern!
Love the wallet! I just found this site. After reading the above comments, the only thing I can add is it would be helpful if the dimensions of each pattern piece were written on the piece. My printer doesn't do 8 1/2 x 14 paper so I have to copy and paste the pattern to word which distorts it some. If I have the correst deminsions, I can then correct.-Becky
Thanks for sharing Lindsey.. Best Regards : Fitinline..
Becky, I updated the pdf pattern pieces so that they should print 8.5" x 11" Hope this helps!
I love this! Could you adapt to have an inhaler & epi-pen pouch? Been looking for something like that.
I love the wallet but what happened to Step 18? Is it important?
I just noticed, also. You have two Step 20's.
Thank you!! Love this!!
I made this wallet last night. I measured carefully (or so I thought) but the right card pockets are too small to hold cards. Cards fit fine on the left side and my center dividing stitch line looks centered. Not sure what happened to cause the right side card pockets to be too small. Thanks for sharing the tutorial.
Does this need to have a certain type of fabric? I clicked on the link above and it says it is no longer available. Thanks!
Hi there, I used 100% cotton fabric, but you could easily use a heavier weight if you'd like! :)
would love to make this but do i have to use the fusible fleece? i have some interfacing but i cant afford to get some fusible fleece.
Hi there! Yes you could use regular interfacing, it just won't be as stiff! :)
I have looked around and don't see a link to a pdf version of this wallet. Can you let me know where it is? I prefer to print up and have hard copy in front of me. Definitely want to try this one.
Hi jmwe29 - We do not have this in a PDF version! I am sorry about that! I know you can convert web pages to pdf - with some websites! Just search "convert webpage to pdf" and there are a ton of options out there! I hope this helps!
Hi from Singapore!! Just completed my wallet using your tutorial. Can even fit my note 5. Love it. Thanks there!!
Love adah!
Hi there! I am so glad you love it! :) Thanks for the sweet comments!
Hi Lindsey! I am Fani from Greece and I want to thank you for the great tutorial. I have just finshed the wallet and it looks so nice! I have used home decor fabric for the exterior and viscose for the interior. My 6 years old daughter "begged" me for a smaller version... Is there a way to send you a couple of pictures of it? Thank you again!
Hi Fani! I would love to see pictures! You can email me: lindsey@fortworthfabricstudio.com I can't wait to see it! :)
Just finished a wallet with your pattern, love it! I agree with adding a lining piece so the inside of the pocket is lined, thanks!!!
I just finished making this wallet to take with my on my overseas trip. Very cute and practical. Great tutorial!
I like to use these wallets as little purses for carrying stuff when I don't want to carry a full sized purse when were are on a cruise or other vacation.So-- I added a thin strap that I put cross-wise over my body, (often under a jacket so it is less noticeable to the public).I attached the strap to small d-rings which I put through little loops and stitched just below the first fold. I also added a little pocket to the top flap that I made from clear plastic that I bound for my driver's license so that I had an ID. Just be sure that when you sew on this pocket you leave on side open so you can slide your ID in and out. I used velcro instead of the magnetic fastener because that is what I had on hand.
I made this wallet today! It is so cute and easy to make. Thank you for the pattern! Great tutorial!
Excellent tutorial! Thanks for sharing. I made the wallet and it came out pretty nice.
Thank you for the amazing wallet tutorial. I added a strap. I had to use extra fabric to cover inside the zip pocket. Very practical.
Thank you so much for your tutorial! Just made the wallet for one of my sons :) And it was a lot of fun. So thanks again :)
i just made this wallet. love the pattern but did i miss something the change pocket has no lining? over all a great easy wallet i am gonna try to add a lining right there at the change pocket
I am almost finished with the wallet and found the directions to be clear. It took me a little while to sort out the credit card pockets, but I eventually got it. I am confused about the placement of the snap that is attached to the outside piece. The instructions say you should mark a spot 3" from the bottom, but it seems to me that it should be 1.5" for the wallet to look like the picture. Am I missing something? I also made two pieces to line the coin pocket. I don't know how that will work until I settle the snap placement.
Thank you for the tutorial, the wallet is a lovely and very easy quick make! However, I added a lining to the coin pocket. All I did was cut out a 8.5 x 4.25 inch of inner lining fabric and sf 101 interfacing, bonded them together and sewed them to the correct side of the zipper while leaving a 5 inch opening before sewing the bag around the edges so that one can turn the bag inside out through it. Once turned right side out I just hand stitched the opening closed.
I did the same as a fellow sewer who commented and cut 2 of the same size pieces so that the zipper pocket is lined. I just left the bottom open and tucked in/topstitched across the bottom and it looked marvelous. Also, for a cheaper route, I cut a 4.5" velcro in place of the magnetic button, as those can be expensive and it looks great as well as hold the whole flap down in place for a nice flat look. Thank you so much for this great wallet pattern and tutorial.
Love your tutorial!
I LOVE your wallet tutorials. I made one from a post you did ages ago and still use it!
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