
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Burrito Pillowcase Tutorial

Today we want to welcome back Chris of "made by ChrissieD" to share this awesome pillowcase tutorial with us! I have made these pillowcases before, and they are seriously the best!  If you haven't made one before, you'll have to give these a try! 

Hi, let me introduce myself, I’m Chris owner of the made by ChrissieD brand.

I’m a Textile Craft Artist and sewing/quilting teacher in Manhattan, NYC and I share my workknowledge and tutes on my made by ChrissieD blog along side info such as where to shop in NYC and stories about all the wonderful fabric stores I visit and people I meet on my worldwide travels!

Today I have an easy pillowcase tute for you – using a super fast ‘burrito’ method you can have these made in under an hour.  It really is a great way to freshen up any bedroom and update your decor, kids love them made with character fabric and they're perfect gifts for birthdays, holidays, new homes, engagements and weddings. Once you’ve made one you’ll be keen to make lots more, they're addictive!  

Pillowcase Materials
(approx finished size 20” x 28/29”):

Thread – matching or contrasting (thread is only visible against accent fabric if you choose to do an optional decorative stitch along this accent trim)

Fabric - I'm using Skopelos by Katerina Roccella for Art Gallery Fabrics available here at Fort Worth Fabric Studio:

All fabric should be full width of fabric (WOF) either 44” or 42” – don’t worry if 3 fabrics chosen are different lengths this will be corrected later in making pillowcases.

To make 1 pillowcase:
2/3 yards of main fabric
1/3 yard of cuff fabric
3” WOF (width of fabric = approx 40-42” length) strip of accent fabric.

To make a 2 pillowcase set:
Take (2) 1 yard cuts of fabric (as shown in photo below)
Cut 1/3 yard off each yard
Swap 1/3 yards over
Cut (2) 3” WOF (width of fabric = approx. 40-42” length) strip of accent fabric.


Press 3” strips in half with wrong sides together to make (2) 1-1/2” folded strips.

It’s easiest to work with all printed (typeface) selvedges at same side so all fabric designs should then be facing the same direction but it's entirely up to you.  

Open cuff fabric out to full width and place right side up.

Line up pressed 1-1/2” accent strip along edge of cuff.

All three raw edges are together.

Open main fabric out to full width and place right side down on top of other pieces - you now have four raw edges lined up together.  NB: main and cuff fabrics should be right sides facing.

Now's your last chance to check your fabrics are the right way around if directional.

Go to opposite end of main fabric and roll bottom edge up until it's almost level with four top raw edges.

Rolling main fabric should reveal bottom edge of cuff fabric again.  Carefully fold bottom edge of cuff fabric up over all other layers and line up bottom cuff raw edge with previous four raw edges – now you have five raw edges and thee cuff fabric should fully enclose all other layers of fabric (this makes your 'burrito' hence the name The Burrito Method).

Here's a quick reference diagram I've created for you to keep handy:

Pin the five raw edges together all along the WOF.
Now sew down this length with a ¼” seam   NB: leave ends of roll open!

Take hold of inside main fabric at one of open ends and pull it out, keep pulling until it’s all the way out.

This is your made fabric.

Press flat and crisp - take care on both sides of fabric and make sure seams are fully open and lying flat.

Here’re my two pressed made fabrics.

Optional Decorative Stitch:
You may want to add a top stitch or decorative stitch to the Accent trim (NB: I haven't done this on the samples shown) – if you do then choose the same colour or complementary colour thread. This stiched line is optional – consider whether you want to add decorative detail or simply hold the accent fabric ‘flap’ in place. Choose your decorative stitch and sew down length of accent fabric ‘flap’.

Trim one selvedge edge from your made fabric

Now measure 40” from the selvedge edge you’ve just cut away and cut the opposite side selvedge edge away at this 40" mark. You’ll see in the pics that I’ve folded the fabric in half so the cutting length is shorter, but you don’t have to do this if you have a large cutting area.  I'm also using two rulers butted up to each other to achieve the necessary 40" length.

Lining the accent fabric up with a line on your ruler, as in pic below, can help give you a clean 90-degree angle to keep the pillows correctly squared and straight.

Your made fabric piece should now measure 40” x approx 29-1/4”.

Fold your made fabric in half cuff to cuff with wrong sides together and pin along two raw edges (not along folded cuff edge as you need to leave this edge open to insert a pillow!).  Start pinning at the accent trim and ensure these are lined up perfectly to give a great looking finish to your pillowcases, next pin folded cuff edge and fabrics between these two points easing if necessary.

Pin rest of pillowcase.  Sew two sides with a ¼” seam.  Start sewing on long edge and 1” from edge of fabric at cuff.  Back stitch to edge then sew forward and continue – this will encase stitch ends better.

Clip two internal corners - not the corners at cuff edge.  Clip corners diagonally taking care not to cut through any stitches!!!

Threads sticking out from seam edges must be removed at this stage or you’ll have a big external seam clean up job on your hands when pillowcase is finished!

Turn pillow through so right sides are together, push corners out fully and press flat two seams you’ve just sewn - don't press main pillowcase, just two seams.  Wiggle seams if necessary to get them to open fully and lie flat and trim any threads.

Sew same two sides again using a 3/8” seam this time – with your fingers you should be able to feel the previously sewn seam within this new seam – make sure the seam you’re currently stitching encloses the first seam within it.  You are now creating a French seam when all raw edges are hidden within the finished seam and giving your work a really professional look.  Take care and go slowly over bulky accent fabric section – as before start 1” from edge of fabric at cuff, back stitch to edge then sew forward.

When you get to 3/8" from 1st corner leave needle down in fabric and pivot turn to continue sewing down next side.

Trim thread ends and turn pillowcase out again.  Check sewn seam edges on outside of pillowcase for any threads peeping out – trim as necessary.  

Give pillowcase a final press.

Dress your bed and admire :D

There're more finished detail photos today on my blog too so do drop by.

And what did I do with my left-over scraps?  I made a Pencil Case Book Cover; you can read more about it here @made by ChrissieD and if you follow my blog you'll be one of the first to have the tute for a pencil case book cover when I release it later this year.

Thanks for following my tute and here’s links to all the ways you can follow me @made by ChrissieD

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