
Monday, March 21, 2016

Fabric Frenzy Friday Features

Hi there! I hope you all had a great weekend! We had so many great projects shared on Friday! 

Here are this week's features: 

The Iron and Needle shared this fabulous reupholstered ottoman! I just love how this turned out! I have always wanted to try my hand at re-doing furniture --this definitely gives me the inspiration to do it! :) 
The Iron and Needle

Quilts + Color shared this Mini Log Cabin Quilt -- I am loving the gradient of grays in the background! What a fantastic way to add interest to a quilt! Oh, and those log cabins are so tiny and perfect! 
Quilts + Color 

Chest of Mystery shared this adorable pillow and teddy bear! I love the fact that the little teddy bear can go inside the truck!! How clever is that! What a lovely pillow for a little one! 

Chest of Mystery

 Be sure to stop by the link party and check out all the great projects shared on Friday!

If you were featured this week - go HERE to get an "I was featured!" button! :)

Talk to you soon,

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